Chapter 3

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Hey guys so this is chapter 3 I hope you enjoy. All sorts of emotions going on in this chapter.
I arch my back and close my eyes. I'm close. I can feel it coming. My hands grip the bed sheets. I open my eyes and look down. I see a pair of blue eyes staring right at me then...

I wake up in a cold sweat. I'm hard as hell and my breathing is heavy. One hundred and one questions are running through my head. 'Why was I dreaming of him?' 'Why am I feeling like this?' 'Why do I find him so attractive?' I sigh loudly then get out of bed deciding to take a cold shower.

I stand there my eyes tightly closed with the cold water running over my body waiting for my erection to go down, but his eyes keeps popping back into my mind and I get hard all over again.

Once I finish I slowly make my way downstairs, the memory of his eyes still in my mind. I walk into the kitchen and see my mum standing at the cooker making breakfast. She has the radio on full blast and is dancing around like a crazy person. I laugh at the sight. I'm about to go over to her but I sense someone staring at me. I turn round and the first thing I see are those blue eyes. I can feel my election growing but I try thinking of an old wrinkly woman to try and stop it. It works. I quickly look away so I don't get lost in his eyes.

"Hey sweetheart," my mum chirps

"Hey," Ryan and I say at the same time. My mum giggles.

"Oh that was adorable," she coo's. I roll my eyes and sit down.

"I thought you would have wanted the servents to do that," I say sarcastically. She turns round quicker than I can say 'shitface'.

"Don't you talk to me like that, do you hear me. I told them I want to do it because I want to cook something for both of you, but if you're going to act like this I may as well not bother. Just because we live in a big house doesn't mean I'm going to get them to do everything. And I hope you do the same," she snaps.

"Mum I was being sarcastic. I didn't like the way you left them to unpack everything whilst you sat there watching," I snap back.

"Well it's there job to do that. It's what they get paid for. So you both really don't need to do anything," Ryan explains calmly. "I mean think of it this way, how would you like to get a job were the pay is good but then someone comes in and does it instead for free and you get nothing. How would you feel?" He questions. I sit there thinking for a few seconds.

"I wouldn't like it. But that's beside the poi..." Ryan cut me off by raising his hand.

"Don't say another word. There is a point to this. These people have families to provide for. They couldn't find job with good enough pay. I took them in, trained them and they work exceptionally well. Do you really want to take that away from them?" He asks. I look down at my hands feeling really guilty.

"No I don't want to take that away from them," I saw quietly.

"Good now why don't you enjoy not having to do any chores," he says beaming at me. I give him a small smile then take my phone out. There is a message from my girlfriend. It says: hey baby I miss you soooooo much. Can't wait till I'm back. I'm so horny.

I cringe slightly at it. Usually her saying she's horny turns me on but for some reason it's just not happening. I sigh and put my phone down.

"Who was that sweetheart?" My mum asks curiously.

"It was just Amanda," I sigh.

"What did she say?"

"She just says she misses me that's all," I sigh again.

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