2: Anger Issues Suck

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"I'm burning." It was quiet but the brunette across the room could hear it clearly. "Raph?" Donnie asks, looking up from a journal he had been writing in. "Raph, what's wrong?" Donnie asks, worry leaking into his voice as he speaks. "I'm burning." Raph says louder, still laying on his side in his bed. He had been changed into a white T-shirt to get rid of the sewer and blood smell.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, Don't do anything just yet." Donnie says, quickly closing journal and standing up. "Burning how? Burning like you're really hot, or burning like burning?" Raph flings off his blankets, springing lively out of bed "I'M BURNING!" he shoves Donnie out of his way and sprints out the door, Donnie staring at him in shock from the floor.

Donnie stands up and goes running after Raph. "Raph, come back! You're fine!" Donnie shouts as he starts catching up to Raph. "It burns so bad!" Raph yells, cutting a corner too close and running straight into a wall. He falls to the floor, starting to curl in on himself. "Raph, Raphael, settle down, you're fine. I promise you're okay." Donnie says, crouching down by his brother.

Raph shakes, dragging his nails against his skin. "It hurts!" Donnie pulls his hands away so that he couldn't scratch himself. "Raphie, please-" Raph reaches up, quickly slapping Donnie in the face. Donnie sits, horrified at Raph's actions. "Get off!" He shouts, scrambling up. This time Donnie doesn't chase after Raph right away.

"He hit me..." He mumbles, watching Raph sprint away. He shakes his head and stands up, taking a deep breath and running after his brother who was halfway down the hall and shoving random people out of the way. "Raph!" Donnie shouts again in vain. "Oh God, please don't hurt anyone Raph..." He whispers.


"Mr. Higgs, Where am I? What's going on?" Leo sits on the floor of his therapist's office, staring up at the man he'd known for so long like a lost child. "Leonardo you're in my office, you remember that right?" Leo starts standing up. "Y-Yeah, I remember your office. Wh-Where's Donnie? He... He said we'd play cards as soon as- as soon as..." Leo looks at Mr. Higgs. "How long ago was that?"

Mr. Higgs frowns. "Since the last time you were lucid? About a week and a half." Leo face-palms. "It's so choppy. Was- Was I-?" Leo sniffs his shirt. "Aw- Was I in a sewer?" Mr. Higgs laughs a bit. "Uh, yes." Leo tugs at his shirt. "Awe man! Did I do anything? Like other than somehow ending up in a sewer?"

Mr. Higgs nods. "Yeah... Uh You... Last week you got a little violent. You and your brother had a fight and you knocked him out cold for three days." Leo covers his mouth. "Who? Which one?" Mr. Higgs scrunches up his face. "Raphael." Leo smiles. "Well, I guess it's okay then." He says sarcastically. "Is he okay now?"

"Oh yeah, he's okay now. Well, sort of. He and your other two brothers followed you. He ended up hurting himself as well." Leo groans. "Not again! Raph's smarter than this!" Mr. Higgs shrugs. "It's not good but like we've told you multiple times it's an emotional thing, not a smarts thing." Leo rubs his head, blond hair getting pushed out of place.

"One of these days I'm going to become- I'll wake up and I'll find out that Raph's dead." Leo says, laughing breathily. "Don't say that." Mr. Higgs says, rubbing Leo's arm. "We're helping him as much as we can, just like we're helping you. Now, how about you come sit and we can talk."

Leo nods and starts towards the desk. "Gosh, I feel so... So clear right now... Like-" Leo stops when he hears a scream from the hall and turns back to the door. "Hey, that sounded like-" Another scream flows under the door. "It hurts!" Leo springs at the door. "It's Raph!" He tugs on the handle and looks back at Mr. Higgs.

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