12 - numerical analysis

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there once was a boy
who loved numbers and equations
but he was pretty sure none of them
would mean as much as
the girl who sat next to him in class;
so one day as she questioned him
as if he was sitting for an interview
about who he had a little crush on,
he made her guess, then told her
"it's you."
she didn't believe it and turned back
to her math sum. the boy's cheeks reddened
and he did the same.
he didn't expect that
she would look at him, smile and say
"i was hoping you'd say that."
he returned a bright smile and he was glad
that it didn't take forming an equation
to put his feelings into words
and she didn't have to do the same either.

there is a man
who loves numbers and equations
but he knows for sure that none of them
would ever mean as much to him as
the woman on his arm
who's walking down the aisle with him
and he'll always be glad
that he didn't need equations to find her
just as she didn't need any to find him.

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25 april 2017 ;
2108 hrs

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