Deadly Decision

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"We have not won the battle. We have only pushed it till later." Bjorn huffed to Katla when Ubbe had finished his rendition of the battle.

The following morning the army marched to Wessex in search of its king. They arrived at the gates and paused.

"There is nothing. Even the small towns rang bells or something when we arrived." Katla said quietly.

"Charge" Bjorn commanded and the army ran into the city. The gates opened easily.

"Careful it could be a trap" Ubbe said as men ran to search the town.

"It's empty, they have gone." The cheers began and the whole army began to rampage the city.

Katla returned to the gates and found that there was a lot of dirt displaced in a different direction from which they had come. She ran into the gate and found Bjorn sitting. "Bjorn they have fled east. Likely the king has not gone with them."

"East" Bjorn said getting up. Then the crowd went silent. Katla and Bjorn turned and saw the king stumbling over to them. A man pointed a bow at him and Bjorn pushed it down. "No! This is King Ecbert."

Two men grabbed the king and Bjorn led them to a cage they had found. They brought the caged king in the castle and gathered Bjorn's brothers. Katla remained at Bjorn's side.

"We must decide what to do with King Ecbert. "Bjorn said

"I don't see why we do not just blood eagle him. He is as guilty as the other king he should die in the same way." Ivar said "I was here, I saw Ecbert hand our father over."

"We all understand Ivar. We all know what you saw." Bjorn turned to his brother. "But sometimes we have to consider what the best for our people."

"I know what the people want. It's what I want." Ivar continued.

"We have to consider our position of strength, and use that. To our ultimate advantage"

"You think you are so clever brother"

"And what if you kill the king Ivar" Ubbe asked sitting next to Katla.

"Then he's dead Ubbe" Ivar said

"We are in enemy territory Ivar. How long before the Saxons raise another army and drive us away?" Bjorn argued.

"Quickly. We blood eagle King Ecbert and then we move on and raid this land and never give them a chance to raise another army again." Ivar said "Why would we want to stay here?"

"It is what our father wanted." Ubbe said "He didn't just want to win battles, he wanted land to start settlements so our people could have a fresh start."

"And we all know what happened." Ivar said

"Yes but in those days he did not hold a king ransom or have a great army." Hvitserk said sitting on Katla's other side. "We do."

"What about you Sigurd? You have been very quiet so far." Ivar said turning to his brother. "For sure you have and opinion."

"I believe as Ivar that we should blood eagle him." Sigurd said to Ivar's surprise.

"Thank you" Ivar said

"But I am not sure, not sure what they are saying." Sigurd continued

"I am saying is that we should do what our father always wanted." Bjorn said tired. Then King Ecbert rattled in his cage. "Yes?"

"I'd like to speak." The king said. "While I understand most of what you say and speak a little of your language now. I loved your father, he was my friend and I know more than anything he wanted to build a farming community here."

"And you killed them." Ivar said

"Yes it's true. Well now the tables have turned now." The kings said looking at the cage he was in. "We can make a new deal."

"What are you proposing?" Bjorn asked.

"Well as you say, it's only a matter of time before you are driven away from here. Without any legal right to English lands you have no hopes of staying, but I am king of kings and I can give you that legal right. I will give you legal claim to the kingdom of East Anglia, it's a large kingdom. Because I am king no one can question that claim. It seems that you have enough men to inforce it until it holds. That's my offer. You should consider it."

"What do you want in return?" Ubbe asked.

"I'll only tell you that, once you agree to my proposal." The king said.

"We shall spend some time to think about it." Bjorn said

"I am not going anywhere." Ecbert said

Hvitserk, Ubbe and Katla went on a walk and spoke about the option King Ecbert had given them. "It's really up to if Bjorn and Ivar can come to a decision between them." Ubbe said

"Yes but what is it that King Ecbert wants in return?" Hvitserk asked

"Well what would you want?" Katla asked them.

"My freedom." Ubbe said simply.

"To die fighting."

"Exactly." Katla said "It's likely how he is to die. King Ecbert knows that he is to die, we were deciding when we are going to blood eagle him. There was never the question of if."

When they returned Sigurd ran to meet them. "Bjorn made the deal with King Ecbert."

"And what did he want?" Ubbe asked

"He wanted to decide the manner of his death." Sigurd said, both Hvitserk and Ubbe looked at Katla. "Bjorn is getting everything set up for King Ecbert to hand over the land." Sigurd held out his arm to Katla. She took it and they ran to where Bjorn was waiting.

"Bjorn Ironside, son of King Ragnar. I King Ecbert give you the rights to the Kingdom of East Anglia. I pray you succeed." King Ecbert said standing up and handing the paper to Bjorn. "And now I have a final journey to take." Walking off towards the bathing room.

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