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When you read something or when you see something that touches your heart.

Why do you think it touched your heart?

You can't help but feel connected. You feel some strings have been pulled at right places. You can't help but fall in love with the words because those words have expressed your thoughts. Expression of thoughts is a bliss. Until and unless you express yourself, it stays right between your mind and heart.

So what do you search for in this world?

We are in search of endless things. Things that might seem to be of importance to some, while just things to the others. We somehow search for what satisfies the living. And this satisfaction lives in inner peace.

Well, somewhere between this and that. It's relatibility you always search for.

You want yourself to relate to something, so that you don't feel alone and at the same time have your own stand point. And when I say, you try to relate to the situations, you're trying out for connectivity.

Sometimes, socialization is mistaken for connections. Even if you are connected, you don't really feel connected. Just like empty spaces with no relevance.

A/N: Hope you like it! :)(:

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