Always choose the hard way

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It's never been easy
Never been simpler
Whatever people said,
I dare to say:
I will always choose the hard way!

Sorrow and pain are ornament
Heart break and wounds just need an ointment
Scar not make me scared
Life or died has its own secret

I walk in pride
I do what I said
Hard work and sweat
Tears droop, I wipe
I stand in my own tip toe

Perhaps, it going to took time a lot
A long and winding road, maybe
But it's fine
I'll do it quick,
As fast as I can

I run like I am being chased

Even if I fall, I'll get up immediately
Dream and aspiration, lighten me up
Sun rays and stars, brighten me up

I walk with dignity
Nothing will able to stop me
Whatever will people say,
I say it loud:
I always choose the hard way.

Nothing wrong with it.
It's worth!
The hadest way seems better,
Forever, whenever!


Latest fighter mars: Sia ~ The Greatest


Mo nulis terjemahannya ternyata males.
Ya sudahlah, gini aja deh. Hehehe.

Anyway, para ahli bahasa, dimohon koreksi spelling and grammatical error, please....

Aslinya agak gitu yakin sih, tapi dipede-pedein~ 


ImpressionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang