He Saves You: Jaden

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You corner of the room bored out o your mind, sure Chazz might have had a.......some what decent kidnapping plan? Okay to be fair you knew that it was a total fluke and he would have not got that lucky again if he attempted it but this? This was just sad even for Chazz. He was going through all his outfits and trying to put on a fashion show to impress you and make you his, in fact this little fashion flop was so sad you didn't even find it funny.

''You know your trying way too hard Chazz even to make me laugh this is so boring. Jayden doesn't even have to try and make me laugh or smile he just does and even when he puts on a fashion show he makes it fun and gets Chumly and Sy involved in it as well as me. Too bad your trying too hard to be trying at all'' you said bluntly as you rolled your eyes to stare at the wall, because lets be fair the blank wall of Chazz's room was far more interesting than he was being right now,

''aha! I get it your using reverse psychology so when you say your bored you mean your totally enticed by my performance and are falling for me more and more with every second passing!'' Chazz said with a triumphant smile as he went behind the screen to change outfits again. You sighed and hit your head off the wall hoping it would knock you out to escape his stupidity,

''geez and people think Jaden is stupid. I think the word your looking for there was sarcastic not reverse psychology that's completely different and not I was not being sarcastic that's called being blatantly obvious....'' you groaned if you could face palm right now you would too bad Chazz got the bright idea to tie you up with rope to force you into watching this failing entertainment.

Just then he walked out of the screen only in swimming trunks, a duck rubber ring and a scuba snorkel your eyes widened at what you were looking at and all you could think was.....what the actual fuck is wrong with this guy?! You looked away trying to block the sight from burning your eyes then you herd something from the window that you couldn't help but laugh at,

''ahhh! my eyes what am I looking at oh dear lord I think I'm dieing.....im dyeing!'' someone shouted in a completely over dramatic voice you burst out laughing then laughed harder when Chazz's face showed how unimpressed he was.

''Hahahaha! Nice one Jay, took you long enough to get here though I dunno how much more I could of taken of his unsightly outfits'' you said unable to wipe away the tears that were in your eyes from laughing so hard Jaden's slipped off of his shoulders causing Chazz to scream like a little girl

''AHHHH he's stripping!'' he screamed Jaden walked over and helped you to stand up as you both just stared at him one eyebrow raised, Jaden looked him up and down the started to untie the rope you were bound by

''um ever heard of irony?'' you asked as you and Jaden walked over to the window and jumped out of it climbing down the tree and walking back home. Jaden apologised for his behaviour and you of course forgave him then you both just laughed about Chazz's little antiques.

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