🌸Cherry Blossom Movement Profile Pics🌸

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So for some of you who don't know, miraculousxinfinity and I had the super cool idea to have matching profile pics, in which she had Naruto and I had Sasuke. Well, we've changed our profile pics to something more directed to SasuSaku.

So now I'm putting up requests for anyone who wants me to make them a profile pic as a member of the Cherry Blossom Movement! It costs nothing (lol) and the only thing you need is to be a member! So if you want me to make you a Cherry Blossom Move...

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So now I'm putting up requests for anyone who wants me to make them a profile pic as a member of the Cherry Blossom Movement! It costs nothing (lol) and the only thing you need is to be a member! So if you want me to make you a Cherry Blossom Movement-approved Profile Pic, just comment below or PM AkahanaHyuga or xX_Fang_Xx ! Then we'll explain the next steps and requirements needed in order to make it!

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