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Unknown Point of View

"I will have you back Seokjin, I love you too much to let you go again." I said to myself.

"Do you truly want Seokjin back to you that much?" my boss asked.

"Yes, sir I do. I love him with all my heart." I responded.

"Good, because if you help me get my Jungkookie back. I will get Seokjin back for you. And I will make sure he falls in love with you." he told me.

"I understand sir what do you need me to do?" I asked.

"I need you to bring Jungkook to me alive and you can kill that pest of a Jimin if you like." he said this Jimin guy's name with disgust clearly written on his face. "And Jungkook better be completely alive when you bring him back. Do you understand Koonji?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. I will be back as soon as I can be. What do I do if Namjoon or Seokjin try to intervene?" I asked, not pleased with the possibility of hurting Seokjin. Namjoon I couldn't care less about though, he's the one that stole Seokjin from me in the first place.

"You can do whatever you want to those two. I couldn't care less. The only one I want is Jungkook. Anyone else can be eliminated if necessary." he said, getting up and walking out of the room. I soon walked out of the room myself and hurried to catch up with him.

"Umm, boss. Do you have a certain deadline you want this completed by?" I asked when I finally caught up to him.

"As soon as you possibly can." he responded and walked away again.

I walked down the stairs and to my car. "The quicker I get this done. The quicker I get my Seokjin back to me." I said to myself.

I got in the car and drove to Seokjin's house and parked across the street. I sat there for a little bit and I saw some guy walk up to his door. He opened the door and immediately threw his arms around the guys neck and kissed him. 'So that must be Namjoon.' I thought to myself as I watched Seokjin pull him into his house. I left shortly after that with a pain in my chest.

"Why can't you just love me?" I screamed when I was alone.


Short update. I'm been stuck and not sure where I wanted to take this, but I'm starting to get it. Saranghae to all of you.

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