...I immediately started getting ready for the show. Luckily I had very little homework, and what I did have I finished in study hall. I hopped into the shower and contemplated my life choices.
It's fascinating how much your life can change after one conversation. Any one who has ever had the "birds and the bees" talk with their parents knows this. It can take a little time for it to settle in, and to fully understand what was told to you. That's what I'm doing. Yesterday during intermission, my life took a turn for the... interesting, to say the least. Oooo, I feel a flashback coming on!
It was intermission on opening night of Bye Bye Birdie. Jane, Maria, Sophia, and Kathryn, and I were sitting in a circle in the backstage area. We call ourselves the "Trust Squad". (We are aware that it's stupid. Just go with it!) Jane has some serious trust issues, but Maria had an idea to help her. (Maria knows best when it come to Jane. They've literally been friends since the womb.) A group of us that are friends with Jane got together to her build her trust. Hence why we are the Trust Squad.
Jane is about my height, but with frizzy, brown hair that only comes down to her shoulders. Maria is slightly shorter than us with tan skin and straight brown hair. Sophia's short with stereotypical blonde hair with blue eyes, and Kathryn is the tallest out of all of us with straight black hair, blue eyes and freckles. (If you're wondering what I look like, I'm the one on the cover.)
We were joking around and playing truth or dare when Sophia asked me a question seemingly out of the blue.
"Do you believe in ghosts?" she asked me.
"Yeah," I told her, "You've asked me this like three time already."
"Really," Jane said. I could see an idea blooming in her mind. "Lydia, can we walk and talk?"
"Walk and talk" was code for "I need to tell you something important that I don't want other people to know." We do shows at an amphitheater, and the only option for a bathroom is in the nearby woods. There's a creek with a bridge before you get there, and the bridge has an are for you to sit and talk.
"Sure," I said.
We walked up the hill to the woods. Jane looked hesitant, as if she was having second thoughts about telling me... whatever it was she wanted to tell me.
"Do you really believe in ghosts? And not just ghosts! I mean like vampires, dragons, werewolves, all of it!" Jane asked.
"I do." I answered. I wasn't going to tell her the reason why. Not anytime soon.
"K. Sooo... what if I told you that it all exists, and all paranormal creatures live on a nearby planet named Uston, and the U.S government is trying to find paranormals, and experiment on them, and I'm a paranormal called a cyber that can read minds, and I'm the only one of my kind, and I'm destined to stop the government agencies?" Jane asked quickly.
"My eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Not because I was being told that paranormals exist, but because I already knew. I think I had just changed my mind about telling Jane the reason about why I believe in ghosts.
The Absolutely Insane Life of a Completely Normal (not really) Girl
ParanormalYou know how people say that summer's a time to relax and have fun? Not when you're me. Because for me, summer means trying to find missing friends, preparing for a play, and trying to figure out weird teenage romance things all at the same time! Ye...