|Chapter 1|The Beginning|

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You blink your eyes open and stare at your ceiling for a couple of minutes. You suddenly realize you can't hear anyone talking downstairs. You jump up in surprise, hitting your head in the top roof of your bed.

Then, you remember all the things that happened yesterday. You saying good bye to your training friends and being given your official scout regiment uniform.

Then, you and all your friends from the 104 training division getting on your horses and riding to the old headquarters, which was an awesome castle!

Then, someone bent over and looked at you from the top bunk.

"Oh hey (Y/N)!" She smiles. She had pretty brown-red hair tied up in a pony tail and large golden brown eyes.

"Hey Sasha!" You smile back. You were in the girls section of the castle, sharing a room with Sasha, Krista and Mikasa.

The others were just waking up when you decided to get up and get ready for your the day.

You walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower, and then drying your (H/C) hair.

You put on your uniform, making sure the the belts for your ODM gear was tightly fastened.

You step out of the bathroom and find the other girls changed and ready to go.

"Let's all get some breakfast!" Krista smiled. We all nodded and followed her into the dining area.

We were some of the first to get there. You saw Eren, Jean, Armin, and some others from 104.

You sat next to Armin and smiled. "Morning!" You grin.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He smiled back. Everyone is smiling and laughing with each other. You guess everyone is happy to finally be a scout!

You realize you forgot to get some food, as you were about to stand up to get some, Mikasa handed you a bowl of something.

"Thanks Mikasa!" You smile and sit back down.

"No problem." She smiled sweetly and and sat down across from you, right next to Eren.

As the last of the people walk into the room, you finish your breakfast and start talking to some of your friends.

You see some of the higher ups, who have their own rooms (lucky!) walk in last and sit down at their own separate table, talking quietly to each other.

There group consisted of Commander Erwin, Section Commander Hanji, and Captain Levi.

You just shrugged off their presence and continued to talk to your friends.

Then suddenly, Captain Levi stood up and looked at all of the cadets. The room became quiet and everyone stood up and put their right hand in a fist across their heart and their other hand, also in a fist behind their back.

"Alright brats, today we're gonna clean this place up. I want Cadets, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Ymir, and Krista cleaning the whole bottom floor. And everyone else will go upstairs. Got it?" He said, he expression staying as dull as ever.

"Yes sir!" Everyone said. Captain Levi nodded and flicked his hand in dismissal.

Everyone began to spread off and grab some cleaning supplies.

Me and Armin jogged towards the closets with the other cadets and grabbed some supplies.

I took a clean rag and a bucket full of soapy water and followed my friends upstairs. Me and Armin stepped into the library, it seemed clean.

But everyone knows that Captain Levi is a clean freak. If he finds one speck of dust, you have to do the whole room over again.

You and Armin began cleaning the library. You started with the windows and worked your way from top to bottom. Armin was dusting the bookshelves.

You stopped when the windows couldn't gleam any brighter. You smiled at your good work and took the mop Armin brought up.

You dumped it into the bucket and began moping the floors. When Armin was done with the bookshelves he stopped and began to help you with the floors.

"It's alright, I got it." You smiled. "Alright, I'll go and help the others, thanks (Y/N)." He smiled back and walked out of the room with some of the supplies.

You continued to work on the floors, humming your favorite song. You knew that everyone hated cleaning, but you secretly enjoyed it. Not as much as Captain Levi, but it was relaxing.

You kept on going until you were done. You wiped the sweat off your head and proudly smiled upon your work.

"Nice work Cadet (Y/N)." Someone said next to you. You jumped in surprise and looked to your left. Standing next to you was Captain Levi.

"U-um, thanks Sir." You said Turing to face him.

Everyone knows how short Captain Levi is, and it's sad to say you were only the same size. No taller, no smaller.

You stood there staring at him for a split second."You can come help me with the next room over." He said strictly.

"Yes sir." You said and followed him out of the room and into the next one.

The next room was the lounge room. It had some old couches and a table on one wall, while a huge diamond patterned windowed was opposite the door.

This was only your second time in here, the last time you were with Sasha, Connie, Jean, Krista and Ymir all just talking about training before it was time to hit the hay.

You smiled and remembered the relaxing moment. Then, you snapped back into reality when Captain Levi began washing the windows.

You sighed as the daydream ended and you picked up your mop and began again with the floor.

It was a little more tense cleaning with the captain. You didn't know when his grey eyes turned to look at you. You kept cleaning, only breathing when you had to.

It was very quiet as you finished up. It was around midday. And almost the whole castle was clean.

Eventually, Captain Levi stopped cleaning and turned to me."Looks like we're done here." He said blankly, his voice as deep as always.

You nodded and began grabbing some of the supplies. But as you did that, Captain Levi walked up to you.

"You might want to clean yourself up now." He licked his thumb and swept it across your cheek.

You stood standing their in confusion as he grabbed the rest of the supplies and walked out of the room.

What was that supposed to mean?

Word Count : 1096

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be continuing it very soon!

Bye bye!

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