|Chapter 7|The Truth|

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I nodded and he walked back inside. I sighed and put my swords away. Then, I sat down and put my back against the castle wall.

A couple minutes later, Mikasa came outside and sat next to me.

"The captain never helps people. (Y/N), explain." She said.

I hugged my knees to my chest and sighed.

"It's nothing, I asked for help and he said fine." I said continuing to look at the ground.

"Your lying. You bite your bottom lip when you lie." She said calmly.

I didn't know I did that, but she was right. I was lying and I was biting my bottom lip.

"Fine, but if I tell you, you won't say it to anyone else, ok?" I frowned,  looking up at her.

Mikasa gave me worried look."I promise (Y/N)." She said.

"Well. For you to understand this, I gotta start from the beginning. About 7 years ago, Captain Levi saved me from a Titan. He personally took me to wall Rose and talked to me the whole time. About titans, and the scouts." I explained, letting one of my legs fall to the floor.

"My family was killed, and I was the last one to leave my town. I wanted to be a scout just like the captain, hoping someday I would even get to work for him. And then, I came here and he still remembered me!" I smiled.

"So why was he so close to you? (Y/N), last time Eren asked Captain Levi for help, he was told to do it himself. And he doesn't like people in general." She said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well, um I don't know how to explain this part. But I'll try." I said scratching my neck.

"Is it about what really happened in that office?" She asked, looking at me with her dark grey eyes.

I nodded and began."Alright. First, I was called to his office. I didn't know why at the time, but when I got there, I walked in and he slammed the door behind me. Next ting I know, were kissing. And it was amazing." I said.

Mikasa gasped, but stayed quiet as I continued.

"But I told him it wasn't right. I'm a cadet, he's my captain. He's been mad at me ever since. And now he said I have to make a decision on weather I want to be with him or not before the expedition." I finished and looked up at Mikasa.

She just sat there, a little shock showing on her face. "(Y/N) , what are you gonna do?" She asked.

I shrugged and stood up."Just, please don't be mad at me." I responded.

Mikasa stood up with me."I'm more mad at him. He has no right to do that to you! Your a respected scout!" She motioned.

"Oh, no! I mean, yes! Well." I said, kinda messing up my words.

"(Y/N), you can trust me with anything. Some of the others might not take you seriously, or they might get mad. But I promise I won't. And if you have any problems, come talk to me." She said pulling me into a hug.

"T-thanks Mikasa." I smiled, hugging her back.

I pulled away and told her I was going to get some dinner. She nodded and followed me back to the table.

We were the first ones there, so we sat down and just waited.

A couple minutes later, The Captain himself walked in. Mikasa pretended to not be looking, but I could tell she was.

Levi smiled and gave me quick wave before sitting down at the higher-ups table.

"I never saw the captain smile before, you must be someone very special." She whispered and nudged me.

I smiled and pushed her back, which made us both laugh a bit. The others started to pile into the dining area and everyone began eating.

"So, what did you two do after the meeting?" Asked Eren when him and the others sat down.

Mikasa looked at me and I looked at her. Then we both broke into laughter. The other gave us odd looks and the conversation topic ended.

After dinner, the Commander called lights out and everyone headed back to their rooms. But before me and the others went inside, Mikasa grabbed my wrist and whipped me around the corner.

"There's something I have to tell you (Y/N)." She said quietly, letting go of my hand.

"What is is?" I asked.

"Well. After we found you in the woods yesterday, we all went to the captains office to ask him why you were upset. And, when Eren and Armin opened the door, they saw him sitting at his desk, crying."  She said, looking down at me.

I stood there for a second, a little surprised.

"I think, after you turned him down, it really hurt him (Y/N). That's gotta mean something, right?" She said, walking back around the corner and into the dorms.

I smiled and followed her inside. I got ready for bed and and tucked myself in.

"You look happy (Y/N)." Sasha smiled, hanging down from the top bunk.

"I guess I am happy Sasha." I returned the smile and laid my head against the pillow, slowly drifting off.


This means he cares about me! I said one bad thing and he cries? That's gotta mean something! Mikasa is right! But meanwhile, he's my captain. And if someone finds out about us, he might lose his reputation of being the serious but strong warrior. And I might lose my reputation of being the focused cadet! I'm naming all these bad things that could happen, does that mean I'm scared? I'm not afraid of titans, or being killed, but am I afraid of hurting someone I care about? Someone I love? But it would feel so good! Walking into a room, knowing that I'm in love with the captain and he's in love with me! Others would kill for a relationship like that! I'm in love. The answer will be yes!

Word Count: 1024

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