The Other Side

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                "How do we even know that Katherine is telling the truth?" Damon asked in denial. Stefan shrugged.

"We don't, but there's a possibility that it could be, and we have to recognize that," he explained. Damon put his head in his hands.

"Just once, I want a chance to breath. Before she came, everything was finally looking good for me. I had the girl, the life, I had everything," Damon whined. Stefan put his hand on Damon's shoulder.

"You don't mean that. Somewhere deep down, you were thrilled when you found out that you had a daughter," Stefan reasoned.

"Do you remember when Genevieve brought her around? It was a few nights before the fire, right after I got home from the war," Damon mused.

"She'd just come back from Georgia, or so she said. None of us had seen her since rumors started spreading about her pregnancy," Stefan finished. Damon sighed and sat back in his chair.

"I remember feeling so sorry for her because she had this burden. She had her entire life to look forward to, but this kid came along and ruined it. I hated the man, the soldier from Georgia that she said was the father. I hated him for abandoning them. Little did I know, I hated myself the entire time," Damon whispered.

Kate stomped down the stairs, looking pale. "Are you drunk?" Stefan asked, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Of course I'm not, Daddy Damon over here keeps all of the good stuff locked up. I couldn't get a-" suddenly, Kate was overcome with a coughing fit. She looked into her hands, almost fainting at the sight of blood. "That can't be good," she whispered. Damon ran to her side, supporting her. Kate felt as if she could fade away at any second.

"Go get Bonnie!" Damon called as Stefan sped off. Damon led Kate over to the couch and set her down. She looked so small and fragile, and he could see a glimmer of the little girl Genevieve had brought by.

"And who is this?" Damon asked, gesturing to the shy little girl that hid behind Genevieve's legs. Genevieve gave her a nudge, but the girl seemed fixated with the ground.

"This is Kate, my daughter," Genevieve replied. "What do you say, Kate?"

"Good evening Mr. Salvatore," she greeted, barely above a whisper. Damon crouched down to the child's level and gave her a warm smile.

"Good evening Ms. Kate."

Bonnie didn't realize what bad of a condition Kate was in until she got to the Salvatore house. She was pale, and her lips were gray aside from the leftover remains of dry blood. "Oh my gosh," she whispered instinctively. Bonnie pulled a grimoire out of her bag, along with some candles. "You said a witch on the other side was doing this, correct?" Bonnie asked.

"That's what Katherine told us," Stefan answered.

"Somebody's going to have to go to the other side and figure out who it is and why. If anything, it'll give me a connection to the spell they're using," Bonnie held out her hands, "any volunteers?" Damon immediately placed his hands in hers, preparing herself for what was to come. Bonnie started chanting.

Damon felt as if he'd woken up in a different place. It was a colder, emptier version of Mystic Falls. He walked the streets of downtown, searching for anything that could lead to a clue. As he walked up to the square, he noticed the huge circle of salt that lined the grass.

As he ran to the center, he saw a witch sitting in the center, chanting a spell. She had shorter dark hair, curled in a vintage kind of way that reminded him of the 1950s.

"You must be the father," she stated, not even opening her eyes.

"You're the one doing this to Kate?" he asked, as if he didn't already know the answer.

"He said you'd come," she stated, ignoring his question. Damon got on his knees.

"Please," he begged, "stop doing this. She's dying, and I just got to know her." Suddenly, the witch opened her eyes and smiled.

"Okay," she chirped, dusting off her skirt.

"Okay?" Damon asked, not believing it was that easy.

"My part's done anyways," she called, sauntering off. "Oh," she said, turning back to Damon, "tell Kate that Patricia said hello," she waved.

Damon was pulled back into the present, and Kate already looked better. The color had returned to her skin, and she was sitting upright.

"What did you do?" Bonnie asked.

"I asked politely," Damon joked, relieved at the sight of his daughter's health.

And just like that, everything was fixed. At least, they thought it was. Little did they know that Damon had left the door to the other side open, just a crack.

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