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Hey, so, I know no one reads these. Which is fine, I'm still gonna write out my feelings and publicly share them because it's strangely comforting. Also all of my followers probably forgot all about me or they're all doing their own thing, I mean, I don't blame them. I did delete my account here and it was deleted for a year until I somehow got everything back??? Still don't know how the fuck that happened, but I'm not complaining! I did regret deleting everything so...

Anyways, every time I get on this site and just look through everything a wave of nostalgia hits me so bad. By now I've looked through old drafts, private messages, comments on my wall and have read some things from my published books and just, ahhhh everything feels so weird! I forgot how much this website impacted my life so many years ago. I've met and talked to so many people on here. I've made acquaintances, friends and even had a relationship through here with someone else. Like, I'm reading all these things people have wrote and I'm just remembering reading it for the first time and my inital reaction to that comment and I'm just, AGHHHDHDJ!!!!!!

It feels so weird, but it fills me with joy to reminisce on all these past memories.

Like remembering when people used to call me senpai and say how much they hated my excessive use of cliffhangers.

Which by the way, will never go away. Even when writing now, I was showing my boyfriend a chapter I had wrote and the first thing he said was "I love it! It's so great!!" as well as "but why did you leave me on a cliffhanger! I need to know what happens!!!"

But, like I've said about 3 times now, I do really miss the old days when I was in touch and kinda popular within the Mianite fandom to the point where I had made friends with so many people and was even called senpai by a few.

I don't know, in my previous chapter thing talking about my writing plans, I might just switch it up???? And try to alternate between writing fanfiction and just stories I've came up with??? Cause I feel like that would work better, but for now I'm focusing on a little story I came up with that isn't fanfiction related so hopefully I will finish that up sometime during the summer???? Who knows with how slow I write.

I'm just gonna leave it there since its starting to get rambly.


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