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Will woke to the sound of sirens. At least, what he perceived as sirens for the sound was drifting away quite rapidly. He opened his eyes to the ceiling of the infirmary.

A infirmary.

This was not his infirmary. The London Institute's infirmary was not nearly as illuminated, nor was the ceiling arched like the inside of a cathedral.

Will sat up examining his surroundings. He memorized the the room from the stain glass windows, to the large extravagant door, to the pile of laundry beside it. He knew he was inside an institute, for no Church infirmary had as many depictions of Raziel and the mortal cup lining the walls.

The door swung open suddenly and Will leaped out of bed, ready to defend himself. This was test possibly, to see how well he'd been getting along with his Head of the Institute training. Turns out, it wasn't.

A young man, who resembled him quite significantly, poked his head into the door. Will tensed. "Oh. You're awake. Magnus will want to see you." The young man left hastily, Will could hear his footsteps pounding down the hall. He has the stride of a Lightworm, Will thought.

The young man came back moments later,  the warlock at his heels. Will raised an eyebrow, the Warlock was very shiny. Will knew Magnus has a extravagant sense of fashion, but now he looked like a chandelier. 

"William Herondale," Magnus said, his tone filled with a mix of intrigue and shock.

Will's shoulders relaxed as Magnus was the only thing he recognized in the room, or out the windows. Like Magnus, outside the buildings were very shiny and sheer. Will could not think of any city who made their buildings of glass.

Questions flowed from Will's mouth, where was he, how did he get here, why was Magnus wearing the crystal cave? 

"Will. William," The warlock insisted, "Sit down." Will obliged, glancing warily at the other." The other young man that had entered the room left.

"Alexander Lightwood," Magnus explained. "Will, do you know what year it is?"

"1879. No? Magnus, why are you making that face?"

After a moment of contemplation. Magnus explained that he was in the New York Institute. Isabelle Lightwood and Simon Lewis had found him unconscious in Central Park. He'd been asleep for two days. "Will, you're a century away from where you belong. You're in your future."

Will Herondale: Out of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now