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Jeff was a 20 something year old man who sold goods for a living. He was also Vince's older brother. He was odd, mysterious and just plain weird to the other folks in Tiltedtown. But his failing business was soon sinking, like the Titanic. There was more to Jeff that the group did not know. But he was a seemingly nice person on the inside, but possibly much more scandalous on the inside...

Was he concerned that Vince was gone? And does he know the truth behind Vince's ditching?

Jeff got his lazy ass up, walked up the stairs, and walked forward to Vince's bedroom door. At first, Jeff wanted to turn back, but he stood there, waiting for the right time to knock on his door.

He knew that no matter what, Vince wouldn't open the door right away. In fact, he never opened the door in Jeff's case. Jeff gave it a try anyway and knocked on Vince's door.

"Vince, it's me.... Jeff." Again this was followed by a silence between the two. Jeff sighed. All he wanted was the old Vince back. Vince's "good girl attitude" had just vanished out of nowhere.

"What do you want, Jeff? Aren't you busy selling to customers? Oh wait, what customers?" Vince ranted. 

"Woah, chill dude, I just want to talk, for fuck's sake." Jeff assured.

It had seemed to be a miracle. Vince walked up to the door, and began to unlock the door. Jeff did a nasty grin as he heard the door being unlocked.

Vince opens the door, and he stares at Jeff. Jeff stares at Vince, who is wearing some ugly ass shorts, and a shirt that says "YASS QUEEN". 

"Hi Jeff", Vince greets.

"Hi Vince, nice shirt. Hella dope!", Jeff complimented.

He continued. "We need to talk. Why have you been ditching your group? They're literally going crazy with you, and it's literally getting out of hand. Literally. I, like, don't know what to do because Sean called me and asked me what's going on, and I don't even know whats-"

"JEFF. Slow down. I've been playing Overwatch, okay?"  Vince says. "They're just jumping on the bandwagon, I'm not a ditcher."

"If you're not a ditcher, why are you ditching the daily poker and tea gatherings?" Jeff asked. "NOW, that is true ditching, if you tell me." 

"You know what? Fuck you Jeff", Vince yells as he closes the door, locks it and resumes playing Overwatch.

Jeff rolls his eyes. Boys will be boys, he thought.


Jeff walked up to Moon's beautiful, clean porch. Beautiful orchids and lilies are placed on the fence post. A clean black rocking chair is by the shiny brown door. The porch was cleaned by Moon himself, as it is spotless. All those years of treating women right- although he was a fuck boy at times, he has learned how to take care of himself and other women, unlike some. The grass was greener than an alien, and was fabulously mowed to perfection. Jeff carefully walks up the porch steps, and knocks on the door. 

Who could that be? Moon thought. He gets up from the couch, puts his phone down on the table, and walks to the door. As he opens the door, he is surprised to see Jeff.

"Hi Jeff, what's your bitch ass doing here?" Moon asked. 

"There's some stuff about Vince I need to tell you."

"Come inside, you can tell me and I'll give you free tea."

Jeff walks inside Moon's elegant house. There is an unsatisfactory color scheme of black and white and grey; however this bland color scheme serves as the distinguished, wonderful home of Moon himself. Aside from the exquisite garden, the interior of the house is also well-nurtured. Everyone was jealous of Moon.

But enough of this bullshit, you just want to know about Vince.

"Vince.. has been very vague about his ditching." Jeff slowly began. "He wouldn't tell me anything about why he ditched. Said 'Fuck you Jeff' to me and locked his doors." 

"That's some wack ass behavior my dude", Moon commented.

Suddenly, Jeff's phone started ringing.

It was from Vince.

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