Chapter 4

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***Xavia's POV

Amanda, Carter and I were supposed to be watching my brother Max at the park, but no, Carter decided that pushing a swing or catching Max at the bottom of the slide wasn't active enough for him. He toyed with his phone, talked to a few people. Apparently Austin was meeting us here at some point. Still bored, Carter had proceeded to tickle me. When that wasn't enough to entertain him, he picked me up and began running in and out of the swinging children. I was screaming my head off and hitting his back when Austin finally showed up. He stood by the base of a yellow slide, his hands in the pockets of his dark jeans, smiling at his navy blue converse. The gray sky encouraged the startling contrast of his tan skin, blonde hair and white shirt. Not to mention his eyes... I quickly lowered my head back to looking at the rubber pieces that are the surface of the playground. Quiet from my reverie, I was distracted when Carter suddenly dropped me to the ground between two swinging and laughing kids. I moaned and layed there.

"Do I wanna know?" Austin chuckles.

"She told me that you were more beautiful than i was." Carter said, a serious look on his face and his hand on his hip. I blush and rollover before realizing the consequence of getting rubber in my mouth.

"Did she now..." 

"Yep. She got what was coming to her. Everyone knows that I am the fairest of them all!" Carter says with a dramatic tone. When are the play auditions? I moan again as Max jumps on me.

"MAAAAAX!" I yell, rolling over to knock him off my back and picking him up and putting him on my back. He laughed and i ran up the play set stairs and dumped him into the slide. Amanda caught him at the bottom. I trot down the stairs and land near the guys.

"Haarsh." Carter says.

"Oh please. At least i didnt run him between the moving swings!" I yell in his ear. Austin grins as Carter winces.

"Is she always like this?" Austin 'whispers' to Carter.

"Yes. Except for right after a... well, a uhm... yeah." He responds. In the second part of his response he was about to reference my doctor appointments. What a way to make everything reallll awkward realll fast... Saving the moment, Amanda ran over with Max on her back, yelling of course.

"AAAAAHHHHHMMMAAAAANNNDAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled until she put him down. "you give better piggy-back rides than X." Max says sweetly, smiling up at her and glancing at me.

 "Does she now?" I say, edging closer to him.

"Uhm, kinda." He says, trying to hide behind Amanda.

"Well, I guess i'll have to change that!" I shout, dashing around Amanda and getting him onto my back and running around the park, spinning and jumping.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!" He yelled. I finally put him down. When I straightened my back from putting him down, i tossed my hair out of the way and glanced at Austin, who was grinning at me. I smilled and hoped i wasn't blushing too much.

We all talked for a while and agreed to go to our place for dinner. Mom and Dad weren't home so it looks like im cooking dinner. Great. We walked the short length of sidewalk back to the house. Amanda held Max's hand and walked ahead of Austin and Carter, talking about some class they had together and of course, I brought up the rear, watching Austin's defined muscles flex as he walked and talked with his hands. I sigh and run ahead to unlock the gate for everyone.

When we got in the house Carter lead Austin on the grand tour of the house, Amanda took Max to go wash up and I walked towards the kitchen. I turn on the stereo on the counter and head into the pantry.... Hmm... Pasta? Pasta sounds good. I check the fridge, we have chicken too. Chicken Alfredo Pasta it is! I grab the pasta and a big pot, putting the pot in the sink to fill up as i turn up the music as the Glee version of Toxic came on.

Baby, can’t you see

I’m calling

A guy like you should wear a warning

It’s dangerous

I’m falling

I started the water to boil and began singing the chorus as i grilled the chicken right outside the window. And, i have to admit, i might have started dancing a little bit.

With the taste of your lips I’m on a ride

You’re toxic I’m slippin’ under

With the taste of the poison paradise

I’m addicted to you, don’t you know that you’re toxic?

And I love what you do, don’t you know that you’re toxic?

I walked inside with the grilled chicken on a platter, putting it in the oven to keep it warm. I put the pasta in the water and began dancing and to One Thing by One Direction.

I've tried playing it cool

But when I'm looking at you

I can't ever be brave

'Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky

"YOU'RE MY KRYPTONIIITE!" I sang, sweeping my arm into the air as i pulled dishes from the cupboard next to the oven.

"Am I now?" I jump at hearing a voice say. I easily turn on the hardwood floor in my socks to see Austin leaning up against the wall in the archway into the kitchen from the dining room.

"Uhm, I was just singing along to the radio." I say, pointing to the radio near his elbow.

"Ah. Of course." He says with a smile, looking at the stereo connected to my ipod. I turned back to making dinner to hear a new song begin playing.  You don't know me by Ben Folds and Regina Spektor. Austin sang along with the guy's voice, and caught up in the moment, i let myself sing the girl's part as Austin swept me into his arms and began dancing.

I wanna ask you do you ever sit and wonder?

It's so strange we could be together for

So long and never know never care

What goes on in the other one's head

Things I felt but I never said

You said things that I never said so

I'll say something that I should have said long ago

He guided me through the dance and sang. Wow, he has an amazing voice.

Damned by the existential moment where

We saw the couple in the coma

And it was we who were the cliche

But we carried on anyway

We danced and sang like no one else existed. I was in heaven! I wonder how i look in his eyes? My yellow and green Benjamin Banneker HS t-shirt and my jean capri's with my green socks... Cutie right here! Can you hear my sarcasm?

As i sang the "ahhs" and "ohhs" at the end of the song he spun me towards the stove and when i turned he wasn't there and the song had changed. Oh, Okay... I quickly finished dinner, hoping that the moment was more than i thought it was, even if he had disappeared like that.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! There's alot of music in this one, i know! hahaha :)  Sorry, no Austin POV this time and it's shortish but this is a good stopping point, trust me! :) The video is for the song they dance to, You Don't Know Me by Ben Folds feat. Regina Spektor...

This is the URL for a lyric vid of Toxic:

And this is for One Thing:

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