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Me and Emmett sat on a deck looking out into the water. The view was absolutely beautiful. I would steal a few glances of him here and there. "So are you younger than your sister?" Emmett signed I smiled giggling a little shaking my head " no I moved into my moms place from my grandmothers." I signed he nodded and looked at me. I looked out at the beautiful view that's in front of me.  I sighed as I looked down at my phone. I saw I had texts from my mom but right now I don't care. I continued to look at the water. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"You ever dated anyone?" Emmett signed I was confused why he asked that. "No never really wanted a relationship." I signed lying a bit not wanting to tell him about my ex who cheated on me. he nodded and looked at the water and back at me "I have  dated a hearing girl once but I messed up the relationship for being stupid, I haven't really moved on but she has so I'm gonna move on." He signed I nodded and looked down at my feet.  "Wanna be friends?" I signed he smiled "sure that seems nice." He signed back I nodded and went back to looking at the water. I've never actually felt this close to someone. I feel like I can tell him all my problems and he would help out. That's what I need, someone to help me out. I looked at the motorcycle. "I need to get home." I signed I know I'm gonna be late my mom hates that. Emmett nodded and we both got up and got on his motorcycle. We pulled up into my driveway. I was getting off Emmett stopped me and smiled. "Wanna hang out again sometime?" He signed I smiled and nodded walking away.
"Nicole come here!" I heard my mom yell I knew Emmett was already go so I turned towards my mom. "What mom?" I questioned she frowned and looked at me "where were you?" She asked angrily I walked to my art studio and said "out with a friend ok." I started to paint the finishing touch of my painting that I did for scratch.
As I finished I looked at my painting a smile going to my face.  This painting is amazing. I looked behind me to see Emmett standing there. I thought he left. "I thought you left." I signed he smiled and handed me my jacket "left it with me by the way nice painting it's amazing." He signed I smiled "thank you." I signed he nodded walking back out. I grabbed set my jacket down on my chair sitting down a smile going on my face.

Emmett Bledsoe Where stories live. Discover now