Hang out with emmett

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I looked at Emmett who sat on the hood of my car, eating. "Emmett." I signed making him snap out of his gaze. "What I'm sorry." He signed I couldn't help but giggle. I shook my head and climb on top of my car. I sighed and laid back. "Nothing." I signed back a smile on my face. I looked at the sky and let my eyes trail over to Emmett who was laying back himself. "This is fun." He signed looking at me a smile spreading on his face. "I agree." I signed back I looked away and looked at the sky again. This is fun, I've never thought, that I'd have any friends or will ever hang out with anyone. I looked at Emmett a smile going to my face. I sat up and got off the car making Emmett sit up. "I need to get home mom will kill me." I said while signing "if I don't get home she will take-." I was cut off by Emmett kissing me. Woah what? I pulled away and looked at him. "What was that for?" I asked signing he just smiled and signed "let's go." I got into my car watching him walk to his motorcycle. That kiss.  It was amazing. I started my car and started driving home.

Emmett Bledsoe Where stories live. Discover now