Chapter 1 The Beginning

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Hey guys! my name is Caitlin and this is my first ever fanfic ^.^ so all helpful criticism is welcome as well as help with spelling and such because im kind of a freak about things like that sooo.... *dramatic voice* ON WITH THE FANFIC! ~ Caitlin

*also i do not own any of these characters they all belong to the BBC although i may add some of my own during the story*

Chapter 1

John P.O. V

"JOHN HAMISH WATSON, GET YOUR BLOODY ARSE DOWN HERE NOW" Shit. I could hear his voice slur and as I descended the stairs I could physically taste the stench alcohol floating from his burly form.

"Yes dad?" I squeaked, barely audible. My father, Steven, handed me a letter, could it possibly be? have I just been accepted into the school I have dreamed of since I was seven?? I was internally screaming but couldnt even let a sound escape from my lips.

"Well?!" My drunken father demanded.

"I got the Scholarship, I got in!" I tried to sound cheerful but it was a football scholarship, great.

*3 Hours Later*

I was in my bedroom, my dad, yet again, drinking. I was wrapping my waist and chest in crisp white bandages, I had diagnosed myself with three cracked ribs, great, how the heck am I supposed to practice football like my stupid father has always wanted me to. Don't get me wrong, I love football, well watching it but i hate playing it, it's just so dull. Once I'd finished with the bandages I pulled my thickest jumper on and slid onto my bed "im starting school in two days, I hope im not sharing dorms with a complete muppet, I dont want any issues with people on my first day."

John kept imagining his first day, putting himself in different scenarios until he drifted to sleep, even if it was only 5 PM, he was beaten, bruised and tired.

Sherlock P.O.V

5pm, really? it feels much later, yet again I've been engrossed in this chemistry book that mother had bought me, thankfully, she knows my thirst for useful knowledge. A sudden knock at the door drew my eyes from my book to the door. "what do you want, brother mine?"

As expected, Mycroft had entered as if by command. He pulled the chair from under my desk as I sighed and sat up on my bed. "Sherlock, as you may have noticed, school is starting in two days and you still have ignored mothers request to start packing, new year, don't cock it up...oh and you'll have a new roommate as you scared the last one off."

I fought the urge to laugh. He sounded bored, probably with me. "And?" I answered, bored of this conversation as soon as Mycroft had opened his large mouth. Mycroft was about to open his mouth so speak but a shy knock at the door had interrupted him.

"Come in Greg" I said cheerfully as i grinned at Mycroft and he rolled his eyed at me. Then there were three of us.

"Myc?" He said, clearly feeling a bit uncomfortable with us both staring at him, Mycroft with his blank expression and I with a wide grin plastered on my face. Mycroft narrowed his eyebrows, clearly trying to deduce what was wrong with Greg, but failing as his deduction skills weren't as good as mine.

"yes Greg?" He replied, sounding annoyed with himself. Greg shuffled a bit and looked up from his feet, "M-My dad is waiting in the car, I-I have to go, sorry." He looked at my brother and my brother just stared at him, processing the words he was about to say and suddenly sprang from his seat, beaming at Greg "of course, let my help you with your bag." Greg beamed back at him but looked a little confused, if not surprised at Mycroft's sudden offer.

Mycroft helped Greg with his bags and loaded them into DI Lestrade's, Greg's father's car. I was grinning at the nickname given to my brother "Myc" . "Myc" saw me smirking and shot me a death glare so I quickly covered it with my deadpan stare and went back to reading my chemistry book as i lay on my bed. I slowly drifted to sleep while reading.

*A/N sorry it is really short, and probably crappy but i hope you enjoyed so vote/comment..yada yada yada. it would help me out loads if you could tell me what you did or didn't like about it so i can edit it and make it better.

i'll try and set up a writing schedule so i will try to update weekly but i guess you'll find out

over and out - Caitlin!

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