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Stars had been thrown across the velveteen sky, sending pinpricks of light burning through the sheet of fabric. Night had fallen with a subtle warm breeze that lightly ruffled the hems of our togas as we prowled through the town, our eyes scanning the horizon for the stone foes we so desperately had to avoid.

"Doctor, please. Maybe we'll be able to leave when we get back to the TARDIS." I tugged gently on his arm.

"No, Lydia. We can't leave."

"Then I'm not moving from here." I stopped abruptly and folded my arms protectively over my chest.

"Likely story." He rolled his eyes and began to walk off.

Fear had began slowly creeping through my veins and clawing at the breath that tried to escape my lungs. He was three metres away. Three metres that could easily be filled with Weeping Angels in literally a blink.

"Doctor, wait!" I called, running over to join him.

We both slowly and cautiously turned the corners of the white paved streets. Right in front of us was a Weeping Angel, it's slate fangs bared and stone claws ready to tear me through time. Once again, it was hard to breathe, even the Doctor was shaking slightly.

"Lydia, don't look it in the eyes. I'll keep watching it, you check for another." He squeezed my hand as I glanced around us.

One was posed as if counting for hide and seek, barely ten paces away. Another to our left, also covering it's eyes.

"Doctor, we're surrounded. We can't go anywhere." I whispered.

"Don't blink. Whatever you do, keep your eyes open as long as you can." He instructed.

Just then, my eyes began to itch, I couldn't help blinking. It seemed the Doctor had a trouble with keeping his eyes awake, as the two farther away had advanced ridiculously and the one nearer was inches away. I could almost feel the freezing stone behind me.

"Lydia, have you got your key? Please tell me you have."

"Of course I do."

"Both of us are going to blink soon, so we will be sent somewhere in time. We both have our keys, the TARDIS will find us." He had a panicky edge in his voice.

"Doctor, I thought you said the TARDIS wouldn't move."

"I lied." 

I willed my eyes to stay open but inevitably, they snapped shut. A sudden harsh wind whipped they white fabric across my knees. When I opened them, I was on a heather covered moor, shifting shades of purples, plums and violets stretching as far as I could see. I was completely alone, nobody was here to help me. Not that anyone would understand.

"Help!" I screamed, repeating until I was hoarse.

Nobody was around to hear my pleas of help. I couldn't remember this place, I'd always lived in the city. I began trudging against the violent winds, shivering, over the steep, flower-carpeted hills, holding back sobs that threatened to shake me to the ground. If I'd ever been scared before, it was nothing compared to this. I could hardly move, I was petrified, terrified, and absolutely frightened. The Doctor was somewhere I didn't know and I had no idea how to get to him.

"Doctor? Doctor, please!" My cries echoed through the petals, making them shiver and dance.

The sobs began, ripping and shredding through my body, destroying the few shards of hope that clung to my heart and replacing them with spikes of despair. I wanted someone to help me, stop my tears and send me back home, swearing to keep me safe. There was nobody of the sort around. Nobody who knew what I was going through and how to help me.


Eventually,  the moors gave way to a minute village, only three thatched cottages and a tiny church made of stone. A thin woman with a long, pinched face with a sour expression walked past. She wore a dress made of prim grey cotton that fell to her boot-covered ankles.

"Excuse me!" I called, dragging my arm across my face to wipe away the tiny salt pools on my face.

She turned to me and her expression went to furious.

"What?" She barked, cold and clear.

"Can you help me? Please?"

"Why?" Her eyes became narrow slits.


"I don't have the time." She stuck her nose in the air and marched off, leaving me shivering, fatigued and terrified on the cobblestones.

I hugged myself, trying to preserve heat. Darkness chewed on the edges on my vision until they all met in the middle and I fell onto the floor, knocked unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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