Chapter V - One Who Wish You Well. NOT

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My heart hurt. Physically hurt. I'm physically ill. I clutch my chest and stagger all the way to my room on the left wing. Such a long walk. I cover my mouth as the bile rises in my throat. As soon as I reach my room, I run to the ensuite bathroom and empty my stomach in the toilet bowl. Then I lay down on the cool tile floor, just staring at the ceiling feeling numb. My chest is hurting badly. So this is what a heartbreak feels like.

The scene in the bedroom keeps playing in my mind. Tangled sheets and naked bodies. Cries of ecstasy. His intense icy blue eyes.

I threw up a couple more times and now I'm dry heaving because there's nothing left to come out. After rinsing my mouth, I lie back down on the hard gleaming tile. I just want to lie here and die, but I know I don't have that option.

With shaky hands, I call the airline and make a reservation to go home. The earliest available flight is early tomorrow morning. I would've flown home tonight if I could.

After that, I throw everything I own haphazardly into my bag. I know I won't be coming back. I hear somebody knocking on my door before it bursts open.

"Oh, my goddess, Penny. I heard! How could he???" exclaims Genesis as soon as she rushes into my bedroom. She's bristling.

What???? She knows what happened? Who else knew? Oh, how embarrassing!

"What an æss!!!" she keeps going. "I mean, you're his erasthai! Why would he want to mark that Polina woman?"

"Is that all you've heard?" I ask her.

"Huh? Why? Is there more to know?" she suddenly stops ranting. Her big hazel eyes widening, bright with fury on my behalf.

"Oh, no, no...I just thought there's more to know.."

Her eyes narrow as she stares at me suspiciously for a second before she continues with her ranting almost as if it happened to her.

"Fuzzy slippers!!! Men! I swear it. Urghh!!!! They're soooo stupid!" she exclaims. "If you want, I volunteer to "accidentally" drop something on his gorgeous head to knock some sense into him. Drop something REALLY hard and big and heavy," she lifted her fingers to air quote when she said "Accidentally". Her flawless face flushes prettily from her anger.

"No, Genesis. Please don't. I just want to go home. I don't want any embarrassing scene," I plead.

All fire disappears from her eyes as she looks at me. I know, of all the people here, Genesis would be the person who would understand me the most right now. She had gone through worse rejection.

"I'll go back with you," she offers.

"No, I can go back by myself. I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning. I...I want to be alone for a while," I tell her. I know she won't be too happy to be away from her mate for too long. I don't want to burden her anymore with my problems. Goddess knows she'd been looking after me for so long now. Three years of endless support.

Her thick luscious lips formed into a firm rigid line as if trying to stop herself from saying more. Finally, she nods her head looking resigned. She understands that it's my battle to fight. My pain to suffer through.

I pray that she wouldn't pull me into a hug. I know I'd wail like a baby in her arms if she did.

"You know where to find me if you need me," she drops a kiss on my head before she quietly leaves my bedroom.

The moment she closes the door behind her, I zip up my bag and pull up a chair to sit in front of a big window. I love the view from this window in the morning. I can see the sunrise and the valley below.

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