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Previously on One more dragon story

Lucy's pov

I was starting to get worried because some things here weren't as they seem. While me and Gray were walking we heard small cries. We ran over to them and saw all 10 girls.

"Gray call Natsu and Erza on the lacrima." He nodded and went to tell them that we found the kids.

When the others came we went back in the cave but this time to see all of the girls still there but a large shadow looming above them. I knew what this was. It was a dragon. The dragon came into the light.

"What!!!" everyone yelled while the girls cried.

"Lucy why are you okay with this?" Natsu asked me worriedly. I looked back at him and smiled.

"Lucy Heartfilia?" The dragon boomed.

"Yea....Miss me?" I gave a sheepish smile.

"What are you talking about Lucy?" Erza asked me.

"Princess Lucy we have been looking for you." The dragon said.

"Princess!!!!" Natsu, Erza and Gray all yelled. Lisanna didn't say anything because she was frozen in fear.


"Yes Princess Lucy has been missing for a little over a year now. We have all been working tiredly to find our beloved princess." The dragon said to my friends. They all looked with a mix of anger/ shock and sadness. I gave a small smiled.

"Wait, what is your name?" Lisanna asked. I looked over to the dragon and realized that it was Star, The celestial dragon.

"This is star. She is the dragon that taught me celestial magic that I have now." I spoke up and Star smiled.

"I'm glad you remember me Princess." 

"Star please just call me Lucy." I asked while everyone was still too shocked to move.

"What types of magic do you have Lucy?" Gray- the first to come out of shock- asked. I had to think for a bit but then got them all.

"Well I can do any dragon slaying magic and I have some re-equip magic, Ice make and others but I cant remember at this moment." Erza's eyes shot open when I said re-equip.

"I want to see that. Show us how fast you cant equip. We'll race. Who ever and change 4 forms first wins." I nodded and Star was timing because she has excellent time skills. Well duh she is the dragon of the universe.

I changed into my Water empress, Wind god, Piercing armor and my Morning star armor. 

Erza changed into her Flame empress, Flight armor,Sea empress and the Heavens wheel- the one everyone knows-.

We finished at the same time and everyone was so shocked. 

10 seconds flat for both Erza and I. 

"Good job Lucy. I never knew that you had so much power."

"Thanks Erza I can't believe I could do all of that because I haven't been practicing it for over a year."I smiled and she smiled too. I gave her a hug and then Star spoke up.

"Pr- Erm, Lucy we need you to come back to the dragon land. You'r mother is very worried." I sighed and looked over to my friends and m crush.

"Can I bring them. Just to see where I used to live. Please." Star looked down at me and sighed but nodded her large head.

"Did you hear that guys your all coming to my homeland. Natsu you might see Igneel there too. I'll bring Wendy too." Natsu gave me the big toothy grin that everyone loves. I smiled back and Lisanna smiled and squealed. I laughed at this.

"Okay well Star I have a question for you." I said in a some what angry tone.


"Why were you taking kids all this time?" She shrunk into her human form and gave me a small smile.

"W-well you see. I was hoping that they would know where you were. And when they told me that they didn't know they still didn't want to go back. They like it up here. With me." Her smile told me that she was telling the truth.

"Fine, Just please help us take the girl back. And then we can go to the guild and tell everyone I guess." I sighed at the end. I just wanted to live a normal life. That's why I left in the first place- to get away from the whole Princess thing. I hate it so much but it's my life.

"Luce you zone out there for a second. Let's take these girls back to their family's." I nodded at Natsu's comment and I picked two of the girls up. Lisanna got one of them, Natsu, Erza and Gray all got 2 and then Star had one in her arms. We all walked down the hill and went to the Mayor's office. He was so excited that we found all ten and all alive. 

"I'll call the parents of the children right away. Thank you guys. Here is your reward." He gave us the money and the 2 keys. Erza handed me the keys and I put them on my belt. 

"Are you going to make a contract with them?" Natsu of course asked. 

'Yes I will on the train ride back. Oh and i can give you medicine that will help with motion sickness. It's like Wendy's but way stronger." He nodded quickly and I just laughed. Lisanna mouthed a thank you. I nodded back at her.

I opend the two keys on the train and I found out that they are the familiars to Leo and Libra.

Leo's is a small cat that is a shape shiftier. It had Fire magic along with some of Leo's spells.

Libra's is two creatures like the Gemini twins. One is all black and one is white. They have light and dark magic. 

I called Loke and Libra to meet up with them and they were both very excited to be re-united.

"Oh hello Kuro. I haven't seen you in years." Loke said to the now small human standing in front of him.

"Big brother!!" Kuro shouted jumping up and hugging him.

"Kuro you still need to make a contract with Lucy." Loke said to Kuro. She nodded and turned to me.

"I can be called when ever big brother is called. I just need to be able to have a day before you call me again." Kuro smiled. I nodded and both Loke and Kuro went back. 

I then called Libra.

"Yin and Yang hello." Libra said bluntly.

"Ugh hello." Yin said a little angrily

"Hi Libra we missed you." Yang said with a cheery voice.

The three went back but not before Yang told me that they could be called on Saturday through Wednesday.  I guess Yin likes having Fridays to his-self and Yang told me she likes Thursdays to swim. 


By the time we got back to the guild I was a ball of nerves. How am I going to tell the guild. Oh god I can't do this.

"Luce you will do fine. Just don't think." Natsu smiled. I nodded but didn't believe myself one bit. The doors swung open and everyone looked back at us.

"Were back!!" Natsu yelled. 

"Who's the new chick she's hot!"Someone that I couldn't see yelled from the back. 

"An old friend of mine." I said dragging Star up to the masters room.

W/C 1209

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