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Yoongi's POV//

"I can't believe you took me to the actual beach. I haven't been here in years!" A smile started to spread on my face as I looked around. The weather was just how I liked it, a bit cloudy and cool, but not cold. It looked like there was a blue/grey filter on the world.

"Yeah, that's why I got so panicked when it started to rain. I didn't want our first gay-date to be ruined." Jimin huffed out a laugh and scratched the back of his neck. "Probably should've looked at a weather forecast before planning a trip to the beach."

I looked at Jimin as the wind blew his black hair back and up, it looked ridiculous, and I suppose Jimin could sense that since he ran a hand through his hair to try and fix it. "Doesn't matter. I mean, it matters! But it's nice, this is nice." The words just wouldn't come out right, but Jimin still smiled. The crinkles at the edges of his eyes made courage flow through my veins and I cupped Jimin's face with my (in comparison to Jimin's warm cheek) cold hand. Jimin seemed near stunned by the simple and gentle touch, and for a solid ten seconds, he simply looked at me. It was a bit intimidating, and I could feel the hint of a blush creep up on my cheeks, but I still managed to keep eye contact with him. "What'cha looking at?" I tilted my head to the side and a new smile broke out on my face as Jimin broke out of his trance.

"Oh, nothing. Well, I'm looking at you, but nothing in particular. Just you," Jimin smiled back and took my hand from his cheeks to hold it as he started to lead me towards the sand, away from the road. "Because you're beautiful."

I huffed and made a little grimace. "Cool down the butt-licking for a minute, it's only our first date." I joked, but mostly to hide how incredibly red my cheeks had gone and how incredibly nice that was to hear from Jimin of all people. Because, you know, he's only one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen.

"Are you implying that there will be more in the future?" Jimin looked at me over his shoulder and wiggled his brows as he pulled me a little closer to him. An involuntary giggle left me and I cleared my throat to try and play it off as a cough or something, and I hid the persistent smile that just wouldn't go away behind my hand. "Don't do that, I like it when you smile." Of fucking course, he had to be nice as well. Not that I didn't think he was nice before- well, I kind of didn't, but like, I thought he was fuckboy-ish. Now he's just, fucking lovely? Piece of shit. Can't he have at least one bad trait? First guy I'm gay for [yeah sure Yoongi] and he's perfect? Don't think so. "What are you thinking about?" Jimin's smile softened a little and he grabbed my shirt to slow down the pace a little.

I looked down at Jimin's hand that was gripping my shirt and tried not to think too much about how his fingertips brushed against my waist. "That you're too good to be true." The small smile disappeared from Jimin's face and he stopped in his tracks, once again looking at me without a word. But he didn't look bothered, maybe a bit shocked, tops.

"I- thank you?" The smile broke out across his face again and his eyes crinkled into cute little crescents. "That's not- never heard that one before. Was it a compliment?" I pondered for a moment, and I decided that yes, yes it was indeed a compliment. Because he was too good to be true, too good to exist, no one that good could ever be. If they weren't a dog, of course, since dogs are always good and a work of God. So I nodded. "Then, thank you. That's very nice of you to say, and think." Jimin leaned down because he'd somehow gotten higher up than me on the beach edge and I saw how he closed his eyes. Without thinking I ducked away and tore my arm from his gentle grip on it. "Oh." I immediately felt very stupid, stupid and guilty. I left Jimin standing there and he looked so confused, a bit hurt even, but he shook it off (for me, I'm guessing?) and he smiled again. "Too fast forward, huh? Sorry." He looked down at the sand and I could see a faint shade of pink on his cheeks; it looked good on him. "I'll slow down a little. I'm not used to... this? Dating, and all that."

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