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Heey its Chapter 1!!!!!!!

-Chapter one, Sick-

Leah's POV

I pushed my hair behind my ear, I felt my face heating up and my stomach churning. I looked towards my mother and father, but they were facing away from me. I walked out of the shop and sat on a bench opposite. I was in Cheshire oaks, an outlet, outside shopping centre in Cheshire. The sun was high in the sky and there were very few, if any, clouds. The outlet was busy, people rushing around because of the sales. I tried to breath in deeply, filling my lungs with air. But it didn't help much. There were loads of happy young, and old, couples walking around, smiling and looking into each others eyes. I wanted that. I mean, I'm only sixteen, but I still want that. I was alone on Valentines day. My friends all had valentines, who were male. I had no one, not even a girl. I just started in front of the TV with a pot of ice cream watching romcoms and Disney films.

I saw happy families walking in the outlet laughing and actually having fun, my family was far from that. My parents argued every night and my sister, well we are sisters and you know what trouble that brings, and then there's my brother ,Alex, he was super protective but now, he's just not bothered. I put my head in my hands, trying to relieve this pain inside my stomach and head. I rubbed my temples and breathed deeply.











'Feeling sick?' A kind, young British female voice said. I looked up and saw a pretty girl sit next to me. 'Ugh, yeah. Wait, your.. your..'

'Gemma Styles. Yep' She said nervously.

' Oh my god. Don't worry. I'm not some crazed directioner or anything. Its just weird meeting someone famous.'

'Me, famous. Nuh uh.'

'I'm, telling you. your are pretty well known. Around the whole flippin world.' I laughed.

'I suppose.' she laughed.

'So how old are you Gemma? I told you I'm not a crazed fan.'

'23. You?'

'16.' I never knew how old she was I always thought she was young than Harry, but obviously not.

'woah. I have some paracetamol in my bag if you want some?'

'Oh, of you could. that would be really nice. Thankyou.' She pulled out a packet and grabbed one of the small capsules. I took it from her hand placing it in into my mouth. I knocked my head back forcing myself to swallow it.

'Thanks again.'

'You're welcome.' She smiled. 'So, are you here with your family?' I told her all about my family, then asking her about hers. We ended up getting up and walking around the whole area of the outlet village, laughing and getting to know each other.

We ended up where we had started. By this time we had exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again. 'I better go and find my mum.' She said rolling her eyes.

' Yeah I had better try to find my family.' We laughed and said our goodbyes. As she walked away I admired her light brown hair. As she turned airing to wave goodbye once more I realised how like Harry she looked, It was crazy. I laughed to myself as I rang my mum to ask her where she was. 'Hello?'

'Hi mum, Where are you?'

'We are in that cookery shop you like. And where were you?'

'Oh, I just made a friend with Gemma Styles and we walked around together and I got her number.' I felt so smug.

'That's nice. Now hurry back.' I hung up and put my phone in my bag and walked quickly to 'my favorite cookery shop'. As I walked in my sister ran up to me. 'You met Gemma styles! Harry's frickin styles sister!' She half yelled whispered.

'Yes, and I have her number.' She was so excited, I loved seeing her this way. Our day continued at the outlet village smoothly. I didn't see Gemma again, so I suspected that she had just gone home. When we finally arrived home I got in and had a nice warm shower. I let the water just run down my back and felt it trickle down my neck. When I was done I wrapped myself in a towel and changed into Navy sweats and a old large Harvard university t-shirt. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and went upstairs for a dinner of Stir-fry.


Heeeeeeeey my lovely Storanators. I'm sorry I updated so late at night but I have just finished and so I wanted to just out it up. I will try and start to write the next chapter tomorrow but I have homework, most of it essays. Sooooo..... But I will try my very very best, plus I have my other book. Please read it, its got a bit of 1d in it soo. Just a word of warning If you ask me to read your story I most probably won't, because I have a huge library and hardly any time but I will try to read at least the first chapter of it and give you honest feedback. But it doesn't mean I will keep it in my library. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you've any questions or ideas I am open to them even if they're awful, they might spark something. Is either message me or comment them. I would be eternally grateful if someone made a cover, I will dedicate , follow and give you a shout out, just message me it. Please Vote, Comment and share!!!!

Love you all

Zozo. xoxoxoox

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