It Slipped!

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The next morning I woke up to my sisters staring at me again, "would you stop that" I complained "sorry" they said backing up I stood up and looked through my drawers for something to where, "ok then" they walked out and I changed.

When I came out everyone was ready and we left. On the way to school Tay and M asked me about the thing with Daniel because she said she didn't know what happened and she knows I like him "ummm" I said stalling, and then I told them everything.

*A few weeks later, Daniel and I are dating still and it is going well and everyone knows* As Daniel stood near my window gazing outside I noticed something different, I still couldn't quite pin-point what it was. "TJ?" he said turning to look at me, it seems like something normal to say but the way he said it and how he turned to me, made me feel something inside, a mixture of feelings as it were. Not quite fear, kind of calm, and anxious, very very anxious. "Yeah?" I said trying not to let my emotions show, though I felt like he could sense them anyway "I have to tell you something" he started to walk toward me "what?" I said still trying to stay hidden in plain sight "I am not normal" he said weirdly "I know that" I said jokingly "no I mean, I'm not human" my body started to heat up, blood flowing through me hitting my cheeks and I could feel it racing through me "I'm," he was stalling I could feel his nervousness, or maybe it was my own "I'm a vampire" he said relieved. I immediately backed away from him, not out of fear, but out of amazement. "This is crazy" I said laughing "I know, this can be overwhelming" he said "what!" I said almost in an anger rage "this isn't overwhelming, Teresita" "what about her" "she is a vampire-wolf hybrid, I am a mermaid" I said laughing and not really realizing I had just told him my secret as well. We talked all night and explained how everything happened to each other and we eventually fell asleep.

I woke up next to him with his eyes looking like they could curl around me in our so far perfect life "I want to be like you" I said smiling "your holding back, I can tell" "it's painful" he said smiling "I don't care, we are meant to be together" I said imagining my life without him "I can't live without you" I said knowing how cliche it was that I just said that "that's my line" he said leaning down from his shouldered position on the bed to kiss me. I looked up at him and pulled away "change me" I said beaming "your 12" he said holding onto my leg "so are you" I said smiling "you said you still physically develop until you are 18" "I did say that" "so?" "I can't put you through that, I became a vampire because I was born" "so your half?" "no I'm fully immortal" "what is the problem Daniel?" I said acting a little more serious "it is excruciating, I've seen it before" "Daniel, listen to me, I am tough. I can do this, ok?" "ok" he said fully grasping what I was telling him "change me" "ok, but not until you turn 13" he said in all seriousness "why?" "it's barely 2 days away, May 2nd" I finally gave up because he had made a compromise and that was good "ok" I said. We laid back down staring at the ceiling.

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