Chapter 19

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*Back to Present*

*Yoonmin's POV*

Me: "Okay! Changwook! Ailee! I think that that's enough! You guys are going to end up passing out from exhaustion if you keep it up."

They stop and walk to their backs, get their towel and water and walk over to us.

Ailee: "Any feedback, Director?"

Me: "Ailee your techniques are very honed, I think rather than sparring you could head to the weights and build some strength. And Changwook, your strength is good, and your techniques are okay, but you need to work on agility. Other than that everything else looked fine. Make sure you guys drink a lot of water okay?"

Ailee & Changwook: "Yes ma'am!"

Kai: (Stands up and stretches arms) "Hey Yoonmin! Shall we show them how it's done?"

Me: "Get ready to have your arse whooped." (smiles evilly) "While you have been a couch potato for 9 years, I've been training my butt off."

Kai: (smiles back) "I haven't exactly been a couch potato myself."

I started attacking first, but he was able to doge before my foot came in contact with his abdomen. I admit he became faster, but unfortunately not quick enough. Just when he dodged my kick, I stepped down and quickly attacked with my other foot, hitting his back. He glares and I smile back at him. We continued sparring for a long time. I went in for a punch, but he grabbed my fist, and tried to come in for a punch, but I was able to grab his fist just in time. We stayed face to face for a while, trying to catch our breath. 

Seungcheol: "Guys I think-"

Kai: "Arrrrrrgh!"

He pushed, and we both fell on to the floor in pure exhaustion.

Kai: (panting) "God. It's been a while."

Me: "You're telling me."

We looked at each other and laughed.

Changwook: "And you told us to be careful of exhaustion." (Hands us water)

Ailee: (hands us towels) "Legendaries don't disappoint."

Me: (glares) "We are not legendary, and we will never be." (sits up)

JR: "Gosh both of you guys... Jeez, I'm lost for words."

Me: "I'll take that as a good thing." (Turns to the Agents) "Changwook-ah, Ailee-ah you've seen us fight. Now take this as motivation, and go train."

Ailee: "Yes Ma'am!"

Changwook: "Sunbaenims! We will see you next time! Please come and visit often! It's a shame that the other kids didn't get to the director in full action!"

The guys replied with an okay before Ailee and Changwook bowed and left. 

Baekhyun: "They look like nice kids."

Me: (smiles) "They are the sweetest."

Kai: (puts his arm around my shoulder) "They remind me of us." (smiles)

Me: (shrugs off arm) "Yea, but they don't argue with each other like us."

Kai: (annoyed) "That's because you start it! You always take my jokes to seriously. How in the past 9 years did you NOT grow a sense of humor?!?"

Me: (glares) "A sense of humor?! Do you!-"

Suho: (steps in between) "Okkkkkkkkkay guys, let's clam down."

Me: (crosses arms) "Come and get me when he matures."

I leave the area, and head to the kitchen. I grab myself some water, and look at the time. Crap! I forgot that I needed to check up on a mission. I run to my office and log onto my computer. I check the location of the team on the mission. It says that they are still in the mission site. Hopefully everything is okay... I grab my walkie talkie and try to contact the mission team.

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