Chapter 14

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*Yoonmin's POV*

After we finished questioning Ren, we sat there and kept talking to him Suho and Ren got to know each other better. But after a couple of minutes we had to get back to the other guys.

-In the hallway-

Me: (nudges Suho) "See? He wasn't that bad was he?"

Suho: "I admit he's a funny guy, but I still don't trust him."

Me: "Well I do and honestly this is better than nothing. We got lots of information. We can head to the location whenever we are ready and if it turns out to be wrong then oh well, but I at least gotta try."

Suho: "I know how desperate you are and I am not going to stop you. It must be hard running from someone so scary for your entire life."

Me: "Yea well he hasn't done anything yet. And I spend most of my time here, training."

Suho: "Still. Anyways let's go tell the guys the plan and start training."

------------Time Skip----------------

(The day they go after Ian)

Me: "Make sure you guys are loaded up on gear. I'm going to go get the water bottles ready for us. I'll be back."

I leave the room and head to the kitchen area. I go up to the kitchen lady and ask her to get 26 water bottles ready in around 10 minutes. I head back to the room until I hear someone call my name.

Kyle: "Where are you guys headed? There isn't a mission assigned."

Me: "We are going after Ian today sir."

Kyle: "Don't you think you should've informed me before you leave? You guys didn't inform me about the school mission until all the members were in the hospital."

Me: "About the school mission... It was so sudden, and it happened while I was at school. Suddenly everything became hectic, so I informed you when everything died down a bit. And regards to this mission, I forgot. I'm sorry."

Kyle: "Well next time remember because what if I needed to send you guys on a mission?"

Me: "With all due respect sir... There are other units you could've sent."

Kyle: "Well do you think they would've done as good of a job as your unit could've?"

Me: "Honestly... Yes."

Kyle: "You... ugh... Nevermind. Just go."

Me: "Thank you sir! Hopefully I'll be back."

Kyle: "Be careful Yoonmin."

I head back to the room and the guys are all ready.

Me: "Alrighty guys. Just some protocol before we leave. Never. Never travel alone. Dino, Vernon, Seungkwan, Sehun, and maybe even Kai. Travel with one of the older hyungs. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Kris, and Suho keep check on the maknaes and make sure they aren't alone, and are not traveling with one another."

Kai: "Oh come on even me?!?!"

Me: "Kai, I know how good of an agent you are... I just... I just can't risk it... Just do as I say... Please?"

Kai: "Fine."

Me: "Always remember to be careful... Please don't act rashly. I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself if something happens to one of you."

Suho: "Don't worry about us. The not traveling alone rule applies to you as well. Okay?"

Me: "Don't worry... Oh and one more thing. Thank you guys..."

Baekhyun: "Don't sweat it!" (Wraps his arm around my neck) "It's been a while since we had a serious mission... Ahhhh after months of having small missions... Eeeeep! It's going to be so much fun!"

We all looked at him as if he was crazy. I mean of course he is crazy... Who the hell would be excited to voluntarily throw themselves into a mission where there is a high possibility of them dying? 

Me: "Okay then? Let's go get our water bottles and head out."


???: "Boss we are leaving. We are heading over right now."

Ian: "Okay. It's almost showtime. Maybe I should have some fireworks ready?"

???: "Boss let's be serious here. Even if we outnumber her it is still Yoonmin we are talking about."

Ian: "Yes. And even if it is Yoonmin, she still has to get through me. And remember I haven't exactly been lying around like a couch potato. Just get here safely and I'll take care of everything else."

???: "Yes sir."


Me: "Coups, Suho... What are you guys doing? Let's go."

Coups: "Alright let's bounce crew."

When they got in the car we left. We are finally on our way to Ian's hideout. I looked around the guys laughing and messing around with each other. This is the last time they might be like this. I don't know what's going to happen when we go head to head with Ian. I don't know if we can all make it out alive... 

Baekhyun: (whispers) (nudges Yoonmin) "Hey you alright?"

Me: "Yea."

Baekhyun: "Don't stress too much. This isn't our first mission."

Me: "I know."

Dino: "Noona! What do we have to do when we get there?"

Me: "First of all don't be in any groups smaller than 5. Like I said before a maknae group is not allowed. We will be parked across the street we will need to find different entrances into the building. 2 groups check the roof. The rest of the groups will scope out the grounds for a way in. I don't doubt that there are guards at every entrance, so be ready to fight right as you get inside. Ian's office is in the middle of the building, that is our goal. Ian." (holds up a picture) "This is what he looks like... If you see him don't hesitate to kill him."

Kai: "I'm surprised that you don't want to be the one to kill him."

Me: "I just want him dead. I don't care if I kill him or not. Plus by the time that I get to to him if you guys hold him captive, his men would have already freed him and you guys would be in trouble. Another thing. Never turn off your walkie-talkie if the sound from the static is too loud and you need to turn it off, then keep your phone on. Make sure it's on vibrate."

Seungkwan: (snorts) "You better keep yours on vibrate."

I glare at him knowing he was talking about the 'bank car dude' mission. (If you don't know what I am talking about it is in chapter 2)

Me: "Seungkwan now is not the time. I am not in the position to deal with your sass right now. Anyways we are almost there. Please be careful guys... I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to guys again."

After a few minutes the car finally parked.

Me: "Be careful guys..."

Seungkwan: "Showtime guys!"

Me: "Seungkwan..." (slaps forehead)


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