Your Face is Like a Melody...

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Dark Paradise-Lana Del Rey

"I saw Elliott this morning, after you ditched me to be the straight-A student that you are. Can you believe that he had the nerve to try and ask me how Houston was? Ugh! The minute Gladys showed up, he literally pretended that I wasn't there! I hate him, Snow! Gladys gave me this look like 'See, I have him now.' I wish that red-headed bimbo would disappear. Anyway, guess who I saw at school today?!?! My neighbor, J!! He looked great! He'll be my arm candy by homecoming, and he wont even know what hit him!"

Sitting on the phone, listening to Audrey tell me all about her second day of school is exhausting. Wish she could see how much better she could do than Elliott Grayson. Sure Elliott has that charming smile, perfect lines that he spews under the perfect light of the moon. He's your all-American boy. His world revolves around football and the latest house party, and he plays more games than the ones he plays in our huge high school stadium. Audrey should have known the first time that he caught him texting with Gladys, the night of homecoming last year. He asked Audrey and ended up leaving with Gladys. He plays these back and forth games, comes around when he wants, and disappears all in the same. In that very instant my mind shifts to Zayn. Even thinking his name makes me feel like I'm doing something that is absolutely prohibited. I didn't see Zayn for the rest of the day. Every time that I walked into another of my AP courses, I expected to see him sitting there, all alone in a corner. I want to understand what it was about me that repelled him. Its been driving me crazy that he didn't want to meet or talk about the project we'll be working on together. I knew that I'd end up doing this project all by myself, but what bothers me is that he didn't even try.

"Snow????? Are you even listening???"

"Sorry, Auds. I already have so much on my mind. In my English class, I already have a project I'm dreading, and I'm pretty sure that I'll end up doing the project alone. The guy I've been paired with totally avoided me after class and literally ran out. To top it all off, my chemistry teacher Mr.Davis is absolutely putting me to sleep. HIs voice is so monotone and I literally hate myself for choosing to take these courses my last year."

"You can be pretty intimidating, S. I mean, you're dedicated and all. I'm sure he's just afraid that you'll be uptight, and I told you to take it easy with me. You're the one that kept thinking that it was important to take impressive courses for college aps. I knew you would see that I was right. I just didn't think that it would be this soon."

"I didn't even have a chance to speak to him. He literally only saw me. There wasn't even an introduction. Yes, Auds. I know.. You were right. Happy? HA HA!"

"This year is meant for us to have fun and let loose. You're taking yourself too seriously. Be more like your partner. You don't have to be on the ball all the time."

Being more like Zayn wasn't going to help me get into the best colleges in the state.

"Hey, I'll text you in a bit. My mom is calling me to do the dishes." If I stay on the phone, she could literally talk until tonight.

"OK. Don't forget! I'm gonna try and sneak a pic of my hottie next door neighbor."

"HAHA. Don't get thrown into jail. Bye!"

Valence electrons is not my idea of the best night, but its the only thing that can keep me distracted from that boy in my English class. What could possibly intimidate him? I'm 5'2. I've got a slender body, brown hair and brown eyes. I'm your normal girl-next door. There's nothing absolutely intimidating about me. If he had been running from Audrey, I'd advise that he'd run faster, but he wasn't. He ran from me. If anyone should have been running, I would've been the first. I only wonder what he'll be like in the morning, I didn't see him in any of my A-day classes or B-day classes. I know Northside is a big school, but seniors tend to stay in the same area of the building. I didn't even see him in the senior hallway or against the senior wall. All I can remember is the khaki pants he wore and the red and blue plaid shirt, and how could I forget his hair, perfectly quaffed, stained with a blonde streak. His face looked so familiar and I had no idea where I could've possibly  known him from. Something told me that by the way he turned around so quickly, that he had something to hide and once I start to think of those beautiful, smooth caramel eyes, my mind starts drifting to sleep, advising me to find my bed quick.

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