Chapter 4

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~Adrianna's POV~ 

My time in Vidcon flew by in a whirl. I met a hell of a lot of fans, heard enough screaming and shouting to last me a lifetime, and had one too many hugs from absolute strangers who claimed to be fans. Another thing that happened was that, just as I predicted, I was ambushed. Several times. My fans caused stampedes. Every time they saw me. 

When I got my chance, I escaped from my fans only to flock over some other youtubers and have a chat with them. Surprisingly, a lot of them were fans of me, and at that, I could have died right there and I would have died a happy death.

Anywhoozies, on to the present. Yes, I was finally at Comic Con. and I am hella excited! A grin literally plastered on my features, I got up from my hotel bed and ran into Chase's room (to which I got a spare key) and started jumping up and down on his bed, screaming shouts of excitement.

"CHAAAAAASSSEEEEE! WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU LIL' SHIT!" My shouts echoed in the room as he groaned and covered his face with the creamy, white pillow.

"Go awayyy." He groaned as I continued to jump up and down, causing him to bounce a little.

"YOU CAN GET SOME BACON PANCAKEEESSS!” And at that, Chase stood up immediately only to fall down on the floor, his legs tangled in the sheets.

Swearing, he unwrapped himself and got up. He took a look at me before doing a double take and bending over in laughter.

I frowned; did I have something on my face?

Wiping a fake tear, he sobered up and looked at me seriously before whispering lowly at me. 

"You look like a hobo." I slapped the back of his head as he burst out into laughter again as I grumbled.

"Imma go get ready, be ready or else no bacon pancakes." I grumbled and left, scratching the back of my ear.

Entering my room, I opened up my suitcase and rummaged inside, looking for my costume. 

Once I found it, I grabbed some underwear, my toothbrush, toothpaste and a comb. Slipping into the washroom, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. Connecting my hair straightener to an electricity plug, I finished doing my hair.

I looked in the mirror and remembered to put on my makeup. I carefully slipped on my Connor Kenway costume and adjusted it in the mirror.  I grabbed my wallet and my phone, slipped them in a pocket, and looked around to see if I forgot anything. I grabbed my bag full of necessities and stepped out in the hall, I saw Chase in his costume, pacing up and down the hall impatiently and I tisked.

He whirled around, throwing his arms up in the air. "FINALLY! You took forever!" I rolled my eyes and chuckled. 

"Come on, let’s get some bacon pancakes!"


Now sitting in the rental truck, Chase waited for the waitress to give him our order of food and she finally came, handed it to him, and winked at him.

"There ya go, hot stuff!" winking again, she left the window, leaving Chase slightly puzzled and me with a raised eyebrow.

"Hot stuff? Really? That’s the best she can come up with? Well then...” I muttered

Chase drove away from the window and to Comic Con, parking near the entrance (VIP parking bitches!), and turned off the truck. The truck now smelled of bacon, pancakes, and syrup.

"Let’s eat now, shall we?" asked chase and before I could say anything, my stomach roared, freakishly similar to Kyle.

Chase chuckled, took the bag from the backseat, and opened it up, taking out the food and we both grabbed what we ordered.

Being me, I ordered a lot, a couple large stacks of bacon pancakes, an extra large coca-cola (*whispers sassily* I like my cola anytime of the day!), and lots of maple syrup.

Taking out a rum bottle we bought earlier, I poured some on my pancakes and a quarter of the bottle in the coca cola, a grin emerging on my face.

I dug in, and within 20 minutes, Both Chase and I finished our food and packed up, throwing the garbage in a plastic bag and I took a last quick gulp of the rum.

I grabbed my bag and we got out of the car, threw out the bag in a nearby garbage can, and walked in.

The moment I walked in, my eyes feasted on heaven. And what a heaven it is.

 My eyes wandered over everything, not leaving a thing out.

We walked around, people coming up to us and talking to both of us, comentating on our costumes and taking pictures with us, making us sign posters and so on, and I got to see quite a few fans, who noticed me, we would talk before we would have to say our goodbyes.

Surprisingly, a lot of hot guys in awesome costumes and tried to chat me up but I turned them down, not feeling too good.

"Chase..." I poked Chase's chest "I'm gonna go to the loo, i'll be back soon, you can head off and do your own thing, i'll catch up to you." 

Nodding, he headed off without a word and soon dissapeared in the swarm of people and I went on a quest to find a washroom.

After about ten minutes or so, I finally found a long hall, and in the end, was the washroom. the lights were flickering, giving it an eerie gloom, and me being the obvlivious one, just ignored it. Reaching the end of the hall, I slowly opened the door, the lights in here too were flickering, I looked around closely. You'd think they would keep these places clean, but no, this place is a mess! Toilet paper strung all over the place, the walls were yellowed, with stains on them, and what was once a clean, white-tiled floor, is now a dusted, brown floor, grime and dirt all over the place.

I walked over to the sink, where the mirror was dirty and I could hardly see my own reflection. Breathing in the muggy air, I looked down at the floor,  and the lights were flickering more frequently and I looked up.

In that millisecond, my eyes widened and my mouth dropped. The mirror was wiped with a hand print, and what the mirror that should've been reflecting me and the background, was now a swirling black hole. And just like that, life pressed play again and the lights flickered off, wind started rushing around the room, and the sound of waves filled my ears, crashing and falling, and all of a sudden, I was felt like I was sucked through a tube and I felt myself fall down into a never ending drop, my waist long hair flailing around me, I clutched onto my bag tighter when I heard it. A scream. A familar scream. One that brought tears to my eyes as I stared into the never ending darkness.

And with that, I fainted as my body rushed down the tunnel of darkness. 


A/N HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! CLIFFHANGER!!! I can assure you, that Jack will definetly be in the next chappie and I know I said I wasn't going to update but I couldnt resist! I needed to!

Well anyways, i hope you enjoyed that:) 

follow me to get updates for when i update my books so hit le subscribe button and i will grant all your update wishessssss!!!!

sorry if its short!


Ps. love you guys!! Also Adrianna's costume on the side.

Memories in Time (A Jack Sparrow fanfiction) #JustWriteItWhere stories live. Discover now