Chapter one

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(Tom POV)
"So my name is Tom and I'm a 17 year old boy getting out of school in 1 month...But I am not your average teen,I'm actually an orphan and every year I get shipped to a new family."

"So I'm stuck in a zombie apocalypse that broke out at least 48 days ago and I've been collecting everything I could from every near by store"
"I was separated from two of my friends while everyone ran away while I layed there knocked out with what had happened"

Tom went over to his room which was barricaded along with the rest of the house as he just heard the floor boards cracking and only the sound of his foot steps as his family had left him behind to go out west

Tom had ended up with a drinking problem at the age of 14 and had been drinking ever since,he even tried to kiss his own friend tord which is also secretly his crush,edd had caught it on video but never showed it to anyone which tom was surprised about,he would usually show everyone anything but luckily not this.

Tom decided to go outside to look for his friends since he was bored and he had no connection,he keept yelling edd and Tord's name but no response of any kind,tom didn't give up until he realized it was sunset and that more zombies would be comeing out so he took out a hand gun ready to shoot zombies that tried to get in his way of him makeing his way home


Tom was half way home until he heard his phone buzz so he decided to check what it was,it easy just his phone malfunctioning so he brushed it off and continued to walk home while shooting a few zombies on the way.

Tom had finally made it home and decided to drink a bit before bed,it aparentlly had a different affect on him and he couldn't sleep at all,he then Finnaly fell asleep to find him self back to when he was on the bus with edd and tord asleep with his head on Tom's lap,tom started thinking it was all a dream until...Tom heard an entire crowd of students screaming and running out the doors of the school on to the parking lot and alot of them rushed towards the bus knocking it over

Tord was woken up by all the sudden sounds and quickly hugged Tom's right arm whimpering and crying and bit while pointing out the window and what laid there was nightmare fuel,dead bodies everywere,blood,tom,edd,and tord were all traumatized as they heard people screaming to tell the remaining teens in the bus to get out but the only 2 that snaped out of it was edd and tom, tom had to drag tord out the bus due to him being unaware of his surroundings,the next thing tom remembered was being stepped on my students running away and tord had managed to make his way to the school and he made eye contact with tom looking sad before closeing the doors while edd ran into the forest and then everything turned black

Tom then woke up crying and his eyes filled with tears and his nose was red,he was sobbing so much he couldn't see what was around him but he didn't care,he only wanted edd and tord back,tom decided to drink again before going up to the roof with a rifle his foster dad had to shoot some zombies to let out some anger he had inside him,he continued to shoot for another hour before looting,he decided to go over to a nearby CVS to see if he could find something to eat since he was running low on food

Time Skip!

Tom was heading back home until he passed the school which bought back horrible memories of how he was separated from edd and tord,he felt his eyes getting watery so eye rubbed his eyes,he decided to try and get into the school to see if he could find anyone,the doors were shut tight so he tried calling to see if anyone was in reply

Tom had a hard time sleeping again...when he Finnaly fel, asleep he had another nightmare worse then the other,he dreamt of Edd or tord being bitten by all the zombies that were there and he couldn't do anything about it,he woke up and it was still night.

With no care at all he went outside with a gun and some medical supplies,tom went out to find edd and tord. He kept screaming out there names but still no reply,while still walking he walked through a foot ball field just to be surrounded by zombies,he kept shooting bit more keept comeing,until something else started shooting the zombies.

Tomtord Zombie Apocalypse  (Eddsworld Au)Where stories live. Discover now