Chapter 13- Unlucky Me

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I did, in fact, dream of the Fire Boy. I dreamed he threw me into the volcano and my skin slowly melted off my body. I screamed and screamed and screamed....

I jolt upwards out of bed, my heart beating swiftly. I hold a hand to my chest to assure myself my skin was still there. Once assured, I see that it's nearing dawn. Sighing, I give up all hopes of sleeping in today. I lay back in the pillow and try to erase the terrible thoughts from my head. When that doesn't work, I get up. Though it's the last thing I really want to do, I decide to go for a walk. I pull on my shoes and head downstairs. As I descend, I notice that my legs have increased in muscle size due to having to climb the flights upon flights of stairs everyday. I don't feel the burn as much as I used to. The thought sends a surge of self-pride through me. 

The morning air is a bit cooler than I imagined it would be. I walk fast to warm up my muscles. There is hardly anyone around, but I can feel the amount of bodies around me. I rub my hands along my forearms and keep walking. I finally stand at the apex of the Overlook and sit down. I don't dare go any closer, knowing that the Fire Boy could push me over any second. Try as I might, the dream still haunts me. 

The sunrise is beautiful over the mountains in the distance. The orange hues cast a bring light over the land. Somehow, I don't feel the awe I normally do this morning. The Fire Boy is starting to suck the life out of me. I know that it's getting bad. Therefore, I resolve to tell my next teacher about him. I don't want him ruining my time here at the Center. 

When the sun has fully risen, I lay back in the damp grass and allow the heat to sink into my bones. The cool grass presses against my back, but the sun kisses my front. It's an odd mixture, but I quickly grow to like it. My consciousness fades in and out as the morning comes into day. By the time the sun has nearly reached it's apex, I think it's time to return. I can hear Trainees playing all around me, enjoying the nice day. Some are like me, just laying in the grass and feeling the wind. 

When I finally do rise, the sun is beating directly down on me. I feel it's warmth; I stretch and work out the kinks in my muscles. Once I feel good enough to walk, I begin wandering. With no way to tell or know where my friends are, I just hope to run into them. I quickly see that they are not in the Field. Wandering around the barracks reveals that they aren't hanging around there. My next venture is through the orchards and there is where I strike gold. 

Zen is sitting in front of me, his eyes closed. It looks like he hasn't noticed my presence yet. I quietly sneak around behind him, crouch, and then pounch on him. His startled cry sends me into hysterics as I lie on top of his back. His face is now next to the ground. He struggles to throw me off, but I hang on until he's standing. I hang on like a squirrel to a tree as he tries to reach me. At this point, I know he's laughing too. 

"Come on, Maia," Zen laughs. "Let go!"

"Never!" I squeal, as he does a full circle spin. 

" so well!" Each pause is him trying to reach behind him to grab me and him failing. I giggle senselessly as he finds my sides and begins tickling me. I finally drop my arms and fall to the ground. Without a second thought, Zen keeps tickling me while I thrash around on the ground. 

"I surrender!" I wheeze. "I can't take it anymore!"

"Apologize for scaring me out of a very nice slumber." He grins. 

"I'm sorry!" I say. He finally relents, pulling me to my feet. 

"You know, that wasn't very polite. I was having a delightful dream!"

"Are you a girl?"

Zen gives me a bug-eyed look. "What?"

"Are you a girl?"

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