Chapter 7- The Morning After

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The first thing I noticed the next morning was how much my head hurt. I rub the aching spot near the far left my by skull softly before pulling my hand away. Definitely a knot. I try to think back to when I would have gotten it. I remember everything, every detail about the encounter with the Fire boy. I don't feel like calling him by his actual name. It sounds too...permanent. It's like he'll never leave my mind or life once I finally say his name to myself or to another. I keep silent. What does go through my head is much more fuzzy. I believe I hit my head on the stairwell or door during my frantic run away from the Fire boy. 

I sit up cautiously, waiting to see if my head will start throbbing. It does, but not terrible enough I can't get up. I push myself completely off the bed. Walking to my closet, I pull out another uniform. My supply is slowly depleting. I'll need to find out the laundry situation by the end of the week. I pull the uniform on without any rush. Grabbing the key to my room, I make my way down the hall and to the stairs. They look so different compared to my frenzied run up them last night. Now, they look boring and dull like they are just there. Not like an escape from someone. 

It's early morning I find when I exit the barrack. Many Trainees pass me as I make my way to breakfast. Vaguely, I remember Tria saying something about meeting up this morning. I wearily make my way to the line and look around the large dining hall for my friends. I don't spot them immediately, so I go to get my food. 

My stomach growls ferociously just as I near the line. I blush slightly and send a mental note to it to shut up. Taking my place in line, I stare at the back of the person in front of me. Their gray clothes are a good surface to blank out on. I don't realize there's a person next to me trying to get my attention until I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jolt, panicked, but find Zen. He's smiling, but I see concern lining his eyes. 

"Hey, morning," he says, taking his place in line next to me. "You alright?"

"Uh, yeah. Yes." I rub my temples. "Bad night."

"Partied too hard?" he jokes.

I laugh, but don't reply. 

"The others should be meeting us here soon."

I nod. 

Zen takes the hint and doesn't try to start the conversation up again. I am grateful, as I don't want to make conversation right now. All I can think about is last night. 

"My name is Trey."

He said it so coldly. I shiver at the thought and move up the few paces the line has moved, fingering the key hidden in my palm. Zen raises his hand in a wave and I look to find the rest of the group entering the hall. 

"Morning, Zen!" Tria says perkily. "Maia."

"Morning," we say in unison. 

"You alright, Maia?" Hera asks. "You look like death."

"Rough night," I reply, shrugging. 

She nods. I turn to Clarisse and find her holding Mire's hand. She is practically beaming. 

"I have so much to tell you later!" she whispers to me. 

I give her a small smile. 

"I'm so hungry!" A new voice pipes up. I see Martin standing behind Hera with a dramatic dying look on his face. Hera slaps his arm. He pouts, but just smiles at her for now. 

"We're all hungry, airhead," Hera mumbles. 

"I take offense to that!"

"Well, that's what you are, right?," Hera replies sarcastically. 

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