Chapter 14 - Home is Where the Heart is

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I slept through most of the day after the Center party. After watching Clarisse and Hera dance, the rest of us began to dance with them. I completely forgot the Fire boy, and I also didn't see him the rest of the night. By the time we were heading back to our barracks, I was almost sure the sun would rise in a short while; I could hear the birds singing in Earth.

I spent most of the day on my own. The Center was extremely quiet with everyone sleeping off the night before. So, I dressed and went to explore some more. I traveled along the rim of the Center, which is surrounding by tall gates and wires until I could see my home on the horizon. Water looked much the same as it always had. The broad expanse of water glistened in the sun, and I could see tiny figures in the distance playing on the shores. I missed home a lot, especially my family. I silently wondered how they were doing.

Visiting days are rare in the Center, but not so much that they are uncommon. The Center officials prefer the Trainees to be isolated from the outside influences to have a proper learning environment. Even so, as I look just beyond the walls of the Center, I can see color. Greens and blues and yellows and reds paint my sight as far as I can see. However, as I look behind me, all I see is varying shades of gray. I haven't even been here a week, and I'm sick of the color.

The first Visiting Day won't be until the tri-month switch. Right after the Trainees get back from their trips, the Center will allow the families to visit them in some extravagant festival type of day. Just as the emotions run high, so do the tensions. The days are mostly kept civil, but occasionally a few fights break out.

As the day rolls on, I don't see anyone with whom I'm familiar. I see a lot of people roaming the grounds within the center, but none of my friends seem to be out and about today. In fact, I don't see any of them until the following week when classes begin again.

"Well aren't you a ball of lava today," Mire says to Clarisse as she tries to rub the sleep from her eyes.

Clarisse glares at him. "I wouldn't test me this morning."

Zen, Martin, and Hera are nowhere to be found when I arrive at our meeting place the morning before classes. It's still early in the morning, and it seems I'm not the only one who loathes being up this early for classes. The sun has just peaked the horizon; we will be late for classes if we wait much longer.

"I think I'm going to class," I say, watching as the other Trainees slowly trickle into the Palace for classes.

"Me, too," Mire agrees. "It's getting late."

Eventually, we all walk together towards our classrooms as I make my way to Simple Defense I. I can feel my heart begin to race as I realize what this means: another sparring round trying to save my face from the Fire boy. I haven't seen him in days, and I had hoped to keep it that way until the last possible moment. So, as I walk into the training area, I feel the peace that settled over me during the two-day reprieve be sucked away in an instant.

"Butterfly," he greets me.

"Fire boy," I return, trying to find our teacher so I can switch partners.

I can feel him slither around behind me, but I ignore him until I feel his breath on my ear. In reflex, I jump away and kick him. The Fire boy crumbles to the ground in pain as Teacher Strakturus walks by and nods his head in approval.

"Good, Maia. Next time, keep your core tight, and you won't stumble after you execute." He walks away without a further word. I didn't even get a word in before he's talking to another student.

Did I just get complimented for hitting my enemy? I look down at the Fire Boy.

"You're going to pay for that, Butterfly," he snarls as he rises. In my mind, he's grown a foot and now towers over me with his steely gray eyes that proclaim murder more than the hatred coursing through his body. He sends a kick towards my side before I even know it; I'm down on the ground coughing before he can even blink.

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