Dedication & Author's Note

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For Marissa, my compadre, confidant and inspiration.

May we always stay up chitchatting into the wee hours of the morning.

A/N I'm emotionally connected to this story, therefore it means a great deal to me. It's kind of a labor of love brought on by my interest in the apocalyptic genre. Although it is set within an apocalyptic setting with people affected by apocalyptic circumstances, the story is more about family and two sisters' struggle to survive in their setting. 

That being said, the subject matter contained in this story is relatively dark, as survival stories generally are, so this story might not be suitable for everyone. Also, there will be some swearing because most of my characters are adults and I honestly believe it's pretty normal to swear. It's not excessive, but just something to be aware of. 

P.S. This used to be titled "The Undesirables" and then "The Lost Ones", but I am reworking the story and the title was part of the changes.

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