Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

​Charles blinked his eyes open and frowned. He didn't know where he was. He looked up at the ceiling and saw it was wooden. So he couldn't really be in a castle since dungeons were usually made of stone there. He rubbed his head as the memory of what happened came back to him. He didn't know who had gotten him but whoever it was, was no friend of his. He blinked a few times and was glad that there was a small amount of light filtering in through the windows so he could see somewhat.

​"Er-Erik?" he called softly, hoping desperately that the other boy was somewhere nearby. Of course, he wasn't.

​"Your king won't save you. He has no idea where you are," a voice said. Charles turned quickly to see a tall man walking in through a door on the other side of the room.

​"Who are you!? What do you want?!" Charles managed.

​"My name is William. William Stryker."

​"What do you want from me?" Charles snapped, "I haven't done anything!"

​"I know. So does Emma. But she wanted you taken care of. She said as long as I get you out of the town, I can do whatever I want before I kill you. I plan on it."


​"The king's sister."

​Charles swallowed. So it was Erik's family again.

​"Why does she want me dead?"

​"Not sure. Maybe ask her yourself if she comes by to visit."

​Charles tried not to let the fear show on his face as this new guy came walking towards him, "So what are you....some sort of assassin?"

​"No, no, just a helping hand. Besides, I'm going to marry Emma and once the king comes by to find you, he'll be killed. And then guess who takes over? Oh yes, I'll be a king," Stryker smirked at him, "You're just part of a much bigger plan."

​Charles stared at him. He was bait. And he knew that Erik would most likely be searching for him. Stryker walked forward and unsheathed his knife from his belt. He dragged the blade lightly across Charles' neck.

​"And such a good looking kid too. Shame I'll have to cut you up a bit."

​Charles felt blood run down his neck and onto his shirt. Stryker took a few steps back and gave him a nod.

​"I look forward to having a fun time with you while we wait for dear Erik."

​The door shut and Charles immediately shut his eyes, "Erik, god, if you're out there, please don't come find me. I'd rather die than see you die in front of me again. Don't come searching for me. Forget about me."

​But Erik couldn't hear him and if Emma had sent him on this chase, he knew Erik would be coming for him. He blinked back tears and prayed that Erik would never find him. Then he'd never be in any danger.
​A few hours later the door opened and a blonde woman walked in. Charles assumed this was Emma Lehnsherr. He hated her already.

​"Hello, Charles," she smiled at him, "How are you?"

​"How could you do this to him!?" He's trying to make this kingdom better and you're trying to kill him!"

​"He murdered his father, driving his own mother to fall into depression. He's not a good person, Charles. You could do so much better. You'll have to, since he'll be dead soon."

​"Someone will know. They'll know it was you and they'll tell," he growled.

​"No, they won't."

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