Chapter 9 ~ Happy birthday part 1

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You left Japan about a half an hour ago on a overnight flight. It was 11:50 at night at the moment. I'd be your birthday in 10 minutes.... you hadn't told any one it was your birthday cause you didn't see it as important information. You quickly but slowly feel asleep on Yuri's shoulder.

-Bing- -bing- -bing- -Bing-
Is what you woke up to

"What's going on?" You said in a sleepy voice

One of the flight attendants came down the isle "every one please stay calm, where emergency landing in Tokyo our flight is quickly running out of fuel and one of the wings are damaged." She said

You felt fear flood your body what if we die!!! I don't want to die on my birthday!!! Gosh! Gosh! Gosh!!!

Yuri POV

I glanced at Y/n she looked nervous and scared, but a few moments ago she was cutely silently asleep. I took her hand

"Calm down every thing will be fine" I told her


When Yuri told you every thing would be fine for some reason You believed him.... your body calmed down and You felt less nervous.

A half an hour later the plane landed.... but that problem was it was 2:00 in the morning... you where stranded in Tokyo... and the next flight to home didn't leave until 3:00pm tomorrow..... so now your stranded with Yuri in Tokyo on your 15th birthday....

The airport offered a free one night stay to a five star hotel since we bought first class tickets. You gladly took it and headed over to our hotel. It was pouring out side with thunder and lightening.... you arrived to your hotel with Yuri and checked in and headed up stairs.

You arrived at your room. You opened the door to reveal a huge room, with a king size bed, TV, and the normal hotel room stuff.

You just walked over to the bed and got in and slipped under the covers. Yuri got in on the other side and turned the lights off in the room. You heard the rain beating against the window and felt empty inside. You wanted to
go home...

And slowly you feel asleep....

- time skip to 10:00 in the morning-

You woke up under the covers of a unfamiliar bed. You felt Yuri right next to you like normal, you smuggled closer to him, the hotel was freezing and he was so warm.

"Y/n...." Yuri moaned in his sleep

You giggled, you where going to tease Yuri about this later.

You couldn't believe it was your 15th birthday, you reached under your pillow to find your phone. You noticed it was still on airplane mode, so you turned it off airplane mode then all at once hundreds of notifications came in. Missed calls from your mom, Yuuri, Victor, and Yakov. Several Instagram notifications about your birthday, you and Yuris relationship, and hot springs on ice. And also tons of texts from your friends and family wishing you a happy birthday and congratulating you on your performance in hot springs on ice.

You decided you should get out of bed, get ready for the day, then look though all the notifications. You got up the chilly air biting your body. You turned the hotel rooms heaters on and the room started warming up at once. You went over to your suit case and grabbed your toiletries and a out fit for today, you choose something cute and special cause it was your birthday!

You went into the bath room and showered then got out, changed into your out fit, dried your hair then lightly curled it.

You looked at your hair and out fit in the mirror.

Melting a Heat of Ice ~ a Yuri on ice Reader X Yuri Plisetsky fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now