Chapter 17 ~ Leave me alone

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You couldn't believe what happened!! It was all your fault! If you weren't so clumsy everything would be different.... You probably weren't a skating prodigy after all, it was all probably just pure luck...

You felt thousands of emotions streaming down your face, the doctor came into the room with a black sheet and help it up to a board where it showed exactly what your expected... a broken ankle.

Then he said what horrified you

What broke you...

What ruined you...

No more skating, possibly no more skating ever

The words echoed in your head

It was all over! Your career everything you worked for, it was all gone because of a stupid mistake you made.... maybe never skate again?!

How could you let your self have hope that you might of actually been able to win this years Finals! You where really a lost cause now

You laid in your hospital bed in shock... you couldn't let any one see you like this... you couldn't let any one see you at all

Yuri would break up with you...

Yakov would give up on you...

Mila would laugh at you...

It would soon be all over, everyone would know about Y/n L/n the failed figure skater... the world was over for you.

You soon checked out the the hospital with a big clunky boot on your leg and headed back to your hotel, you hadn't seen Yuri since he carried you off the ice and wouldn't let any one touch you until he go you safely to the ER. Afterwards he had to leave for the X-rays then after that you told the doctor not to let any one in... you didn't want any one to see you so vulnerable... so weak.

Afterwards you some how left the building unnoticed by Yuri sitting in the waiting room. You felt guilt flood your body but you knew you didn't want him to see you like this...

Today was the starting of a new Y/n... and Y/n that didn't figure skate... a Y/n lost in the world... a useless Y/n

~ the end of Chapter 17~


This chapter is so short!!! Sorry about that... I really wanted to make it a bit longer but I couldn't find the words to make it longer... I promise next chapter will be longer

Lots of love, 


Melting a Heat of Ice ~ a Yuri on ice Reader X Yuri Plisetsky fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now