Magic Owl-Part:2

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           Jonathan's POV

   I stare in complete shock. Who the hell was this guy? Owl? Thing? I dont know what he is or why he is calling me master but I don't have time.

"P-Protect me from these people!" I didn't want my voice to sound afraid but i was confused and scared shit less. The person nodded and got up from his tiny bow and flew to the 5 people.

Now, this kid isn't much more muscular than me (which isn't a lot) but hell it looked like he could pack a punch. In less than 2 minutes all 5 guys but the green eyes brat was still staring at the 'owl' with complete shock.

"Y-you came. But to serve him?! You should be serving me!" The brat yelled in anger. The 'owl' just glared at him and knocked him upside the head, knocking him out. He turned and smiled at me.

"Hello! Pleasure to meet you sir. I am Vanoss, or that's what I'm use to being called anyway. You may call me whatever you like to. I am your protector." Vanoss said and helped Jonathan up.

Jonathan shook the dirt off his pants and just stared at Vanoss in shock.

"I never asked for this. I don't need a protector!" I yelled at him, he looked almost crestfallen. I kinda felt bad. Besides, what do i need protection from?

"By any chance, is your father James Denis? And your mother Skylar Denis?" I stare at Vanoss. How did know my parents. I think my face gave him the answer.

"I knew I felt a familiar aura, not completely, that's because you're his son. Anyway do you know where I can find him?" I gulped and nodded.

Whoever Vanoss was, i could tell him and my dad were close. I don't know how but even my dad kept secrets. And that he doesn't know James Denis died. I started to walk toward the cemetery, which wasn't very far as I tried to wrap my head around this mess. Did Vanoss really come from that pendent? Speaking of which, i haven't seen it since Vanoss appeared.

We where close to the cemetery. Vanoss was following quietly behind but also staring at me and was getting on my nerves. I hate it when it's to quiet and people staring at me so I looked back at him.

"What the hell are you staring at?" Vanoss seemed to snap out of his trace.

"Sorry master, it's just you look a lot like James, brown hair, your facial structure. But you have your mothers sky blue eyes." I was shocked at first but got over it. He even knew my mother? Why hasn't she told me about him?

"Vanoss, stop calling me master. My names Jonathan. And besides, i don't know what to do with you yet."

"Okay....Jonathan" we came close to my dad's grave. I think Vanoss thinks we are taking a shortcut. I look back to only get a mask staring at me.

"Take off your mask Vanoss" Vanoss just stared back.

"You just said you didn't know if you were my master yet. So i won't take my make off till you accept me as your protector. " damn he is stubborn. I'm starting to like him. 

"Fine. But here we are"

Here lies James Denis, may god be with you

Vanoss looked at the grave stone. Johnathan let him go to it as he dropped to the ground. His fist were clenched. He was trying not to cry. 

"James....." Vanoss sounded like he was choking back tears.

"JAMES" Vanoss shouted, he was sobbing now. Vanoss had reached up and was about to take off his mask.

"Please..... Jonathan....don't look" I nodded and turned to look the other. I'll accept his wish. Where they really this close? How could someone be so loyal? 

"S-sorry you had to see me like that. I'm sorry but how did he die? Is your mother still alive?" I nodded.

"Yeah, we don't live very far away. Come on."

----------Time Skip---------

"Mom I'm home, and I have a guest. He says he knows you and dad!" I yelled.

"A friend of James?......Vanoss?!" My mom looked teary eyed as she dropped the glass she was holding and ran into Vanoss who hugged my crying mother.

"Skylar. I'm sorry that I couldn't-"

"No Vanoss, no one in this room is to blame. Especially you. You saved him countless times. He decided to go alone. No one could of stopped him" she sniffled a little and let him go. Vanoss's suit was soaked but he didn't seem to mind.

"I've seen you've chosen Jonathan. I should have figured..."

"He still hasn't accepted. But I believe he can be the one."

"Uh be the one for what?"

"Sorry honey but you can only know if you accept Vanoss's offer as your protector."

I thought about it. If my dad died doing this. What if I died? But I looked at Vanoss as he talked to my mom. And I knew I could trust him. That and I wanna avenge my father and find out the real reason of his death, because in till now, I thought a drunk driver.

"Okay Vanoss I've made up mt mind." Vanoss and my mom looked at me and I took a deep breath.

"I accept your offer as my protector."

Vanoss smiled and so did my mother. She look relived.

"Well then I guess I don't need to wear this." And Vanoss took off his mask.

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