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Vanoss's POV

  I went out of my pendent form and looked around. Everyone was in a room. Did they seriously pay for another hotel room?! I carefully stepped over the boys that were past out on the floor and opened the door. I looked around, we weren't in a hotel that's for sure. It looked like a big house. I stepped out and closed the door. 

  I walked down the stairs and to what I think was the first floor. I found my way into a kitchen and found an old lady drinking something and reading newspaper. I eyeballed her and she realized I was there. 

"Ah hello Vanoss, nice to see you are finally awake." 

"Hello Ms-" I was about to thank her then I realized something. If I was in my pendent form how did she know me. I charged at her and slammed her against a wall. I know it's mean but I don't know who she is, and she knew me. 

"Calm down. I won't be hurting any of those mages or you. I'm a witch, I just want to help.Names Ava by the way, now drop me" She informed. I dropped her to the floor and gave her a glare. 

"Why did you help them? You witches aren't the nice type last I've heard." I sat down and so did she. She smirked and took a sip of her drink. 

"Well a new era has come. I sensed your powerful magic in the area. I'm very found of this place, I wouldn't want one of those super humans taking over this place. You are also the hero that saved my sister. If you weren't gone for a couple of years you would know they have popped up more often when they found you and your partner were gone."  

"Are you blaming all this on us? It wasn't our fault!" I slammed my fist on the table in rage. 

"I know that. Others on the other hand....Some think you are dead. Some are searching for you guys, wanting you to help or kill you. You are very popular." I glared at a wall. I would love to leave at the moment but Jonathan needs to be protected, as well as his friends. 

"Then fill me in on what has happened" 

"Other than the war has turned upside down for us? The super humans have been taking over 1/4 of our land. Everyone is in a panic, not to mention no prophecy's or anything. If you were to go back, we can gain our confidence again, possibly. The king has gone into hiding. What a king he is." I stared at shock I can't believe it would of gotten this bad. 

"I'm sorry but they can't know I'm still around. I have the boys to train, if I go they'll want us to fight on the spot. That will get them killed for sure. That is even if they want to, I'm not forcing them into anything that world has to offer. I'm sure we both have had our fair share. She nodded her head in agreement. 

"Where do you plan on training them? You've probably already shot up a few flares toward the government by now I'm sure. They have this world under a 24/7 watch. " 

"We have no chance but to go back to train. I just need to make sure they don't find out who we are or what our plans are. Of course I know a few people there that will help them. But if I'm caught I'll be putting them in danger. " I thought aloud, thinking of a way I can be with them. 

"I can turn you into a girl." 

"No way in Hell" 

"Well then owl boy, we need to get you a new mask. I need to get you an ID now. Before the king went into hiding he made sure everyone had a ID, so if a super human were to come they could be spotted." I was about to say something but she continued. 

"So Vanoss, what do you think they'll want for breakfast?" I was confused for a second then realized the others had woken up and are coming down. 

"Can we have PUNCAKES" Tyler yelled as he entered. Brian behind him with the rest. 

"He means pancakes. He has a pronouncing problem sorry" Brian apologized as he got a smack on his head by Tyler. 

"Guys I still can't find- EVAN, what are you doing?!" Jonathan said as he saw I was sitting near the lady. His hair was supper messy as if he woke up in a rush.

"Guys, you meet Ava, well she is a witch, she is here to help." Tyler grinned and opened his hand, preparing to use his power.

"So how are you are going to help us? Well we've already learned to do this" He was about to show the others but in a flash I was in front of him with my hands clamping his down.

"No more magic. The government will find us, if not already. I've learned new information from her that I've missed on the years I've been gone. I'll fill you in on it while you guys have something to eat." I said while Ava got up and made breakfast. 

  I filled them in on almost everything. I didn't tell them there was a major hunt going for me and Jonathan's dad, even though I know they'll probably find out sooner or later. That's worrying they don't need.

"So we're going to the supernatural world? Sounds cool. How do we get there?" Nogla asked and Ava came in with plates of food full of eggs, pancakes, and other types of food.

"Well I need to get you boys ID's today so I'll be out for a few hours, Vanoss, you are welcomed to join." She says a I help her set the plates. 

  "Sorry but no thanks Ava, I can't leave Jonathan and the others here alone with the government on our trail. You go ahead." She nodded and grabbed a jacket and closed the door.  The others were to busy stuffing their faces to notice she left.

"So how do we get there? You never answered Nogla's question." Brian asked once he was done. 

  "Well Ava is making us a portal. Usually there is a secret entrance but that's more than likely closed off so the only other way is to make a portal, which only witches and fairies can make. We got lucky meeting Ava when we did. She is off getting the ID's right now so we can enter." 

----------------2 hours later-----------

 Ava finally returned with 7 ID's in her hand, she handed us each one. She handed mine last, I was kinda curious on what the ID's were. Well they were the same humans have. Just different species. She handed me a slip of paper with it. I unraveled it to my shock it was a wanted poster of me but lucky for me I had the mask on. 

"When you get there Vanoss I wouldn't advise wearing a suit, that will look odd there" Ava said as she handed me a clothes bag. How did she even what size I wear?! I looked at her suspiciously and nodded. I quickly changed into a grey hoodie and black jeans with black shoes.

"Thanks Ava now-" there was a loud banging on the door. Everything went silent except for the continuous banging. Ava pulled out a laptop and opened up something. There was servalince cameras set up. In the cameras you could see a team of police officers with SWAT written on them. Ava went into the living room, us right behind her.  She took off a painting and pressed a button. Suddenly all the light from outside was gone and metal was replaced on the outside doors and all the windows. She even had a lock down system!

"We must hurry. That metal won't hold out very long if they have super humans. Lets get moving!" She went to the basement and started to grab things and but them in a bag. She then went to a wall and tared it off.

"Here are your thing. Now go!" She rushed us off and we ran down the tunnels. Not even daring to look back.

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