Kieron and Jiko Argue About the New Stef Part 31

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Kieron has discovered that Julian is tormenting Steffana, wants to do something about.  Jiko is angry that he is considering marrying her. Angry that she wasn't informed

Jiko is upset to learn about Kieron's plans for Steffana. Kieron quickly realizes that he has to marry stef in order to defend his political standing.

Jiko: evading a kiss from Kieron, "Do you know what I heard today?

Kieron: No.

Jiko: I heard that Steffana, has yet another suitor...this latest application...that tops the list off at fifty.

Kieron: Really? Responds cooly. He knew that he'd have to tell her sooner or later, he'd just been hoping for later.

Jiko: Is there anything that you want to tell me Kieron?

Kieron: It's not what it seems, Jiko.

Jiko looks ta him with disappointment, then finally speaks.

So, you're just like all the rest then. You just couldn't resist the opportunity, could you? All that power, all that just had to go for it.

Kieron: You don't understand.

Jiko: Oh, I do. It's not like I haven't seen this little drama go down many times before. You forget the line of work I'm in. But I truly expected more from you. But you're just like all the rest..what do you see when you look at Steffana, another trophy that you can obtain? My GAW, she is a person, a hurain. Have you lost sight of that.

Kieron: Of course not. I know Steffana...and that is why I have to do this. I know she's a person...and I know her. I can't just leave her to that fate...

Jiko: Why not? She's a Scott! She's destined to be miserable no matter what!

Kieron: Why are you so upset about this?

Jiko: Really Kieron? Are you really that dense? What about us! I thought this was something that meant something to you! I thought that maybe you and I-

Kieron: Could partner? Why would we ever want to do that?

Jiko: Because I thought this relationship actually meant something to you!

Kieron: It does! That's why I would never consider partnering with you...partnerships are merely political. That's just the way it is Jiko. At this level, that is the purpose they serve.

Jiko: are using her...she advances your cause, whatever that maybe...and of course she does. Look who her father is...and so how could you possibly resist?

Kieron: It is not like that.

Jiko: Oh no?

Kieron: No. There's something in it for her too. Just look at those you really think Steffana wants to partner with any of them?

Jiko: oh, so you're rescuing her? I see.

Kieron: Yes. In a sense, I am, it's because I know her. I know what she needs. I help her...and she helps me, and that's what partnerships are for.

Jiko: She's a child.

Kieron: I know that, but...she won't always be.

Jiko: So you're making your plans for the future.

Kieron: I didn't make up these rules Jiko.

Jiko: Funny, I thought you were clever enough to make your own rules. I really thought you would be different. But you're just the same as all the rest.

Kieron: No, I'm not. And you're just naïve...and frustrated. But this has nothing to do with me and you-

Jiko: It has everything to do with me and you! DO you think that I am just going to stand by on the sidelines as you make your plans to marry Steffana? Do you really think that this relationship can continue know that I know your true intentions?

Kieron: I don't see why not.

Jiko: Oh really! With me as your frieke buddy! Your ever willing mistress...

Kieron: It's really not like that.

Jiko: But isn't it? The real world girl, made good, but still not good enough to partner with, despite all her free world accomplishments-

Kieron: Jiko, you know I care for you-

Jiko: But you want to partner with Steffana...

Kieron: I don't really have a choice, it's so complicated, please-

Jiko: No, I'm worth more than this and I know it. I want you as a partner- or not at all.

Kieron: Is this an ultimatum?

Jiko: Yes, it is. Abandon your plans to partner with Steffana or we are done.

Kieron: well, with great hesitation, I guess we're done, then.

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