Leevian Proclaims the Destiny 21

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Kieron POV

A very tall, very beautiful women with living hair all the way down to her back. Her eyes were like Kieron's, a pale blue, but  really  light-filled white.  She was in the main living room on the east Wing,  Steffana area. Sh ewas being entertained by gracen. Who was she?

"Kieron, this is my sister Leevian and she's come here for Steffana."

"Your sister? Since when do you have a sister!"

"Actually, Kieron there are seven of us. Serena and Aisah, the twins who died long before I was even born. Now, five are all that's left: Neptune Alcyone, Steffana Electra, Sashana Asterie,  Gracen Merope and me Leevian Maia. "

You didn't know about the rest of us, because my father, Hamlet, abandoned us with along with our mother, Angina, who was also Micah's older sister. Technically, Sashana and Steffana are only our half sisters, but also our cousins. Then Gracen here tells me Steffana, is actually Mercutio's kid. And I say to myself, well duh! She looks just like him.  That would make her, not a sister at all, but a really strong cousin. A double cousin, on both sides.  So I say what the hell, split the difference. We're all just sisters."

"And while I do appreciate you taking such good care of them, in my absence, it's time or them to come home now."

"Who are you? What are you talking about?"

"I just told you. I am the oldest sister. The oldest living one anyway."

"I know that you, Stef, Sasha and Othello have been doing things, some have been helpful, some have been silly and immature, and some a blatant misuse of power. I can't blame you, a bastard rainan, who has obviously lost all contact with all ancient wisdom. Steffana...the misuse of her powers have been gross and extreme, yet understandable, considering the circumstances. But  you, Kieron Kwest...are completely out of control.

"No. You have no right. This is Steffana's home. Now I've asked you to leave nicely. I won't ask that way again."

She laughed. Oh my! You have no idea who I am do you? I am going to say this one more time. I am Leevian Maia.  I am the eldest of the sisters. I am the keeper of the destiny of the seven sisters. As long as I am living, I am the one who determines the path we choose; and no one else. resistance is futile."

Now you've already done quite about of damage by taking over Steffana's powers for your own egotistical purposes. You've created so many problems with your sloppy brain altering, and free will tampering. The murders you've orchestrated were not in self-defense...and those actions have brought down years and years of suffering...not only on your head, but Steffana's as well, because she was unwittingly tied up into it.

"You've done so much damage to Steffana. But I can't blame you? You're ignorant and lost...you and your whole Kwest/Khan family -mongrel, gangster bastards

"Get out! "

"Oh. Please don't make this hard, Kieron. I have every right, and deep, in the base of your Rainan brain, you have to know that."

"But fine. I tried to be civil about this. Discuss this with you as though you were an adult. Your refusal is only going to make this more painful for  Steffana. I realize that you all are a family, but you will soon learn that there are greater and even more powerful things than family. The destiny must precede all of that, and the destiny calls to each of us. No one can stand in the way of it."

"Good bye, Maia..or whoever or whatever you are. Bye, bye."


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