Chapter 12- Who Did This!?

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*Roc POV*

I called Prince over and he came fast. I was so hurt and heartbroken! Who could've done this? Did she kill herself? A lot of stuff ran through my head. I didn't know why i was sitting on the floor holding my dead girlfriend! I apologized A THOUSAND times so why would she kill herself? Would if Prod came back to haunt her and ended up killing her!? My thoughts were interrupted when Prince walked in.

Prince: Hey man, Im so sorry

Roc: I dont understand, Why?

Prince: Why what?

Roc: Why she would do this to me?

Prince: You think she killed herself?

Roc: Well of course

Prince: Um.....Well why do you think she would do this?

Roc: We abused her and.....maybe because Ray wouldn't forgive her

Prince: Yea.....m-maybe it was ray fault

Roc: *wipes eyes* Are you okay man?

Prince: Yea...its just that um....her dead body is getting to me

Roc: Oh....Well you can leave me to cry alone

Prince: I cant do that man, You need me

Roc: *cries again* I really do!

Prince: *hugs roc tight* Its alright man. We'll deal with this like we did with Prod

Roc: But....We got revenge for Prod

Prince: Exactly

Roc: You cant revenge someone who's already dead Prince!

Prince: Roc?

Roc: What!?

Prince: Would if she didn't kill herself?

Roc: Then i would find out who killed her and kill them!

Prince: *Gulps*

Why is Prince acting all weird and stuff? Ray did kill her right? Or....Is there more to the story? Find out Later on in the story ;)

You know what you gotta do for another Chapter Loves!!!!!

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