A Trophy's father A Trophys son

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I'm falling apart. My life, my family. Everything is falling apart. I had no idea what to do. I didn't have any hope left. I felt tears coming in. I fell off my bed. I sat on my butt and burried my head into my knees. I was scared. I could hear crying from downstairs. My moms cries. Her yelling. That was terrifying, listening to your own mom in pain, but being forced to do nothing. My mom was being abused from her boyfriend. I could hear my little sister cry. I heard shouting and things drop. I heard something smash. Like glass. I covered my hears and just couldnt stop the crying. Couldn't control myself. I wanted to stop everything. I didn't want anything to happen to my mom. But i can't do anything. I couldn't stand up for myself or anyone. I was weak. I didn't know how to stand up for anyone. Or myself. Everything just felt like the end of the world. Why did this have to happen? What did we do to deserve this?

My little sister walked into my room crying.

"Kellin!" She cried. She ran into my arms and started crying into my shoulder. I held her in my arms and cried with her. I held to close. Herself and I were scared what was going to happen. This never happened before, My mom getting beat up by his boyfriend. Her boyfriend, Ron, would only force her to do this and that. This time she said no, told him to do it himself. Then it's like out of no where, he became the devil. He started throwing shit around. My sister was sound asleep, me and my mom were watching tv. Then my mom didn't listen to Ron. I tried my best to stop everything of what was happening. But I got punched into the ground. He yelled at me and said to stay upstairs. He told me if I called the cops, he'd kill me. I'm so worried about my own mother. Thinking that she would get hurt, so much. I cried.

We continued to listen all the shouting and everything fall. So many things hitting the ground. I'm guessing, just by hearing, He's throwing things around. I don't even know what my mom seen in Ron. I bet he is threatening her. Me and my sister continued to keep on crying with each other. We wanted this whole entire thing to stop. My own dad, walking out on us after my sister was born, i was only eleven. I didn't understand why he would do that. I haven't seen him since. He said he'd come back for me. But I never heard of him in seven years. Kailey had never bet him before. She doesn't even remember him. Why would he walk out so sudden? That broke my heart. Now my mom tried to continued to date, but what do we get? An abusive guy with a short temper- Ron. If Dad hadn't walked out, this wouldn't of happened to us. This is all my fault though. When I was eleven, I found out I was gay.. I guessed he found out and left. Why did I have to be gay? I hate myself for ruining this family..

-- Kellin Quinn

If I Were You, I'd Put That Away (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now