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"Kellin! Get up!" Ron yelled from downstairs. I woke up.  I checked the time and it was 7:15. I slowly got out of my bed and went straight into the bathroom. I took my shower which only took about 5 minutes. Once I got out, I felt the cool air hit me. I was already cold, in this steamy bathroom. Which Is weird. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom. Let the cold air hit me again. Except it was more cold. Which made me shiver. I walked over to my bedroom. I opened my drawer and pulled out some black skinny jeans and a random band tee. I quickly got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was still wet, but I just decided to let it air dry. I took a look at myself and thought I looked good. I was wearing a Metallica T-shirt. I grabbed my beanie and put in on. Looked in the mirror just to check if my beanie was on all weird. I fixed it a bit and grabbed my backpack and left my room. I walked down the stairs. Once I enter the kitchen,

"Faggot" He says. I didn't want to pull up with his bullshit. I just ignored him and walked out the door. I seriously can't stand him. Why did he have to be so mean. Rude, ugly hearted. I hate him. I grabbed my iPod out of my backpack. I put in my earbuds and blast up music I made. I only made the instrumental. I was fooling around with drums and my guitar. Eventually I made it into a song. But I haven't found out lyrics for the song. I mean i have the meaning of  it, the words are scrambled in my head, I just don't know how to figure out how to put the lyrics. I need help with this song. I've been stuck on it for a while. I'm humming to the song, I try to put in some lyrics, but i'm bad at writing. I need someone who is good at writing poems.

I continued to walk down the road to my school.

School.. I didn't like that place. A Place that makes you feel judged, even by the stare you get. I didn't have much friends at school, I think I only have like.. 6? But I didn't mind. We weren't like a group of friend, my friends were in different group of friends. Some of my friends son't even know each other, like they're complete strangers. The only friends that only knew each other was probably the couple i was friends with. Her name was Elizbeth and Mike. My other friends were, Jesse, Gabe, Justin and Alli. But Alli doesn't talk to me much, she's always with her boyfriend Jack. I've met him, he's pretty cool. But we don't talk as much. I was friends with people who don't even know each other. But atleast I have friends, right? In every class, I have class with a friend. So I'm not really alone.

I walked up the steps of my own school. As I tried to open the door, it opened before i couldn't pulled it. The door pushed me back, making me fall down the steps. I rolled down the steps, and landed on my back. I groaned so loud. Man, that hurt like a bitch.

"Woah, are you okay?" Someone asked.

I looked up to see a guy in front of me, handing out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. He had weird spiked up hair, with brown eyes and a happy smile.

"Yeah, but that hurt.. A lot." I said.

"Oh well, Sorry man.. The names Jaime." He said..

"Kellin." I replied.

"Well, Got to get to class, See you around?" He asked.

"Yeah" I replied once again.

Then he walked off. I think I just made a knew friend.. By falling down the stairs. Which is weird. I never seen that guy before. Maybe he transferred schools. Since it is the second semester.

I walked on the steps once again and opened the door. I walked through and made my way to the stairs. Once I got onto the second floor I went straight to my locker. I spun the dial and opened. I grabbed my binder and books for my english class. I closed my locker and walked off to class. Once I walked in, I saw Jesse sitting by himself in that little corner. Jesse wasn't really a loner, but In his first class, The only friend he had was me. I walked over to Jesse and sat in the chair next to him.

"Hey Chicken legs" I said.  

"First of all, it's turkeys legs, like look at them!" He replied. I chuckled. Jesse is a weird guy, but cool.


I walked into the caffeteria and grabbed a tray of food. Waiting in line just sucked, but I did it for food. Because, who doesn't love food? Sure it gets you fat, but its damn delicious. Once I got my food, I went to go look for Mike and Liz. At lunch, I sit with them because I have no classes with them. My other friends are in their groups of friends at their own table. After scanning through the wide cafeterria, I saw them sitting, being all couple like. But Some other people were sitting with them.. I think its... Jaime? That dude I saw in the morning? Woah, they must know each other..

I walked over to the table. Liz saw me walking over.

"Kellin!" She got up and hugged me. Ofcourse I hugged back. That's what I needed from a few days ago..

I put my tray down and sat beside Mike.

"Oh hey, have you met Jaime and Tony?" He smiled, waving his hand towards the boys.

" Oh Me and Kellin already met." Jaime pointed out. Mike raised an eyebrow.

"since when?" He asked.

"This morning I fell down the stairs because Jaime hit me with the door." I said. Eating my ceaser salad.

"Hey! first of all, I didn't even know you were there!" He said.

I smiled, "Yeah, yeah.. sure." I chuckled, and I swear I saw Tony smile.

I continued to eat my food, while everyone was eating and talking. I realized that Tony didn't say a word. I guess he's a shy guy. Well I am too, only to people I don't really know. But If they talked to me first, I reply to them like I'm so comfortable to them.

I was minding my own bussiness, until I decided to listen to their conversation.

"Oh yeah, Hey, Why didn't Vic come?" Jaime said. Vic.. I Think That was Mike's older brother.

"Isn't that your older brother I haven't met?" I asked.

"Yes, But he was too tired to come today..You know, since you guys just came back today." He said.

Oh yeah, Mike told me that Vic and his friends got to help out with a Tour, Which meant, they had to skip half of the semester of school. So I'm guessing they came back yesterday, and Jaime and Tony are the friends that went with them. I hadn't met Mike since This year.

"Vic only has 2 classes to finish until he can graduate, since he didn't in the past 2 years." Mike said.

"Well, Vic better come to school tomorrow, or I shall wake him up with a fart." Jaime said. I silently chuckled. So did everyone else.

"Hey didn't Tony so that to you a while back?" Mike said.

Tony was laughing, showing that wide smile. He looked so joyful. The first time I had ever heard him, was his laughing. Which was awesome. Tony couldn't stop laughing, he was just having a laugh attack..

"Okay... It wasn't that funny Tony.." Jaime said.

Then next thing you know every one was laughing at him.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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