Enchanting Eyes (Ch 13)

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He smiled at me (we’ve been exchanging those a lot) and walked in, throwing himself onto my bed, his legs dangling off the edge and his arms folded behind his head. I followed suit, also laying down on the bed and staring at the ceiling as I kicked my flats off. Unlike for him, the bed was able to take all of me with just my feet dangling off the side. I sighed in content at the relief of lying down; however I couldn’t ignore the pain felt throughout my back. This always happened when I stood up for too long.

“Long day?” Jake asked, turning his head to the side to look at me.

I looked back, our faces now only about an inch apart. “Yeah, but it was an amazing day.”

He grinned, “I’m glad.” I felt his hand grab my arm and rub it gently. “Not about this though.” He traced my burn. His touch sending chills throughout me. Weird.

“Stop feeling guilty. I’m fine.” I poked his nose jokingly. “And besides it’s kinda cool.” I looked down at the red line. “You’ve marked me.” I laughed.

“You’re so strange.” He laughed too, shaking his head.

“Oh you love it.” I elbowed his ribs which was pretty much like elbowing a brick wall.

He sighed. “That I do,”

We laid there in silence for a few more minutes until I felt the exhaustion of the day wash over me. Just as I was about to close my eyes, Jake turned his head. His dark brown eyes looked over my face as if he was taking in every detail of my features. And I really hope that wasn’t the case. I’ve never been self conscious around Jake, never. But now, for some reason I was. I didn’t want him looking so closely at me.. spotting each imperfection. Especially since he was so perfect. His russet skin was smooth and flawless. I pulled away from his gaze, looking back at the ceiling however that didn’t seem to stop him. I jokingly smacked his shoulder with a huff.

“Stop staring at me. You’re making me self conscious.”

“What?” His voice sounded both shocked and amused. “How is that even possible?”

I shrugged, my gaze still on the ceiling as I bit my lip.

“You have nothing to be self conscious about.” He whispered. “Trust me.”

My mouth spread into a sheepish smile as this and looked back at him. “You flatter me, Jacob Black.”

“It’s the truth.” He stated.

Again, we held our gaze. But again my tiredness came back like a boomerang and it became harder to keep my eyes fixed on Jacob. My lids slowly began to fall, but I blinked the feeling away, looking back at Jake’s now amused expression.

“You’re clearly about to pass out.” He mused teasingly.

I nodded sitting up and stretching, holding my hair off my neck as I looked around the room. I stood up with all the strength I had and sauntered to my open suitcase. I rifled through it, pulling up random unnecessary things and pushing them aside until it got to my pajamas. “I’m so going to regret doing this in the morning.” I motioned to my disheveled suitcase and flung my clothes over my shoulder. “Stay here. There’s a reason I called you up with me.” I told him as I headed for the door.

“You mean you didn’t just want my company?” he asked, feigning hurt.

“Nah.” I shook my head and winked before I left.

I heard him chuckle as I walked across the hall and into the bathroom. There I brushed my teeth and removed my makeup, and pulled on my black long sleeved shirt and red flannel shorts. Lastly, I threw my hair into a high messy ponytail and walked out, clothes in hand. Jake was still lying on my bed but he sat up when he heard me come in. I placed my clothes on top of the messy heap I had created and went to my duffle bag. I felt Jake’s eyes on me the entire time, but I continued my search. Finally I found what I was looking for and pulled out the small fabric pouch from the side zipper. I turned to Jake and handed it to him while he gave me curious eyes and accepted. I watched excitedly, playing with the hem of my shorts.

“What’s this?” He pulled the drawstring with one hand and slid his large fingers into the pouch; they hardly fit, so he struggled slightly. Finally, he was able to pull my gift out.

“Luce.” He breathed out, holding the leather bracelet in his hand. His fingers ran over the braided material and he looked up me.

I smiled at him knowing just by his reaction that he loved it. He used to have one just like it, but he lost it in the woods a few months ago. Even just by reading his letter I knew how upset he was about it. So, I took it upon myself to get some leather from the stock room back at the company and make him another.

“It looks exactly like the one I lost.” He looked up at me.

I nodded and kneeled in front of him, taking it from his hands. “Except, not quite.” I unlatched the clap and held it up closer to him. “It’s a bit more personalized.”

Jake’s eyes squinted to get a better look, “J.B” He muttered, before his eyes lit up. “You got it engraved?”

I nodded. “Yup. And the latch is pure stainless steel so it shouldn’t break like the other one did.” I took his wrist and tied the bracelet around it, examining it after. It definitely suited him.

“Thanks, Luce. Seriously.” He stood up with me and engulfed me in his large arms, lifting me slightly off my feet.

“You’re welcome. Anything for my best friend.” I looked up at him, still holding his arms. “I was looking for it everywhere, but I couldn’t find the perfect one, so I just decided to make it.”

“Well that makes it even more special. Thank you.” He yanked my ponytail playfully, a crooked smile on his face.

“Stop thanking me. It was nothing. I could have sent it earlier, but I really had to see your face for it.” I shrugged.

He smiled back, holding my gaze and for what seemed to be the fifteenth time that day, we just continued to look at each other, the silence of the room intensifying the moment. I’ve never noticed how deep and mysterious Jake’s eyes were, but they had this ability to pull me in, and keep a hold on me. It was.. enchanting to say the least. His eyes broke contact with mine, and I admit, I didn’t like it. Which wasn’t normal.. I could have stood like that for hours, just looking at Jake.. and again I repeat. That’s not normal.

“It’s almost midnight. You need your sleep.” He sighed looking to my bedside clock.

Wow the time went by so fast while I was with Jake. I nodded in agreement, brushing my bangs away from my eyes.

“Alright, good night Jake.” I stretched onto my tippiest toes and wrapped my arms around his neck with him bending down to help out.

“Night Lucy.” We both pulled away, but before he straightened himself up again, he grabbed my head in his large hands and placed a kiss onto my forehead.

With that he turned around and headed to through my door, closing it behind him with one final smile in my direction. I stayed in my spot, staring at the now shut door. My heart was probably going at speeds of a hundred beats per second. I felt a warm tingling on the spot where his mouth just was. After a minute or so of just standing there, I shook my head, slid the covers, and turned off the light. Lucky for me the moon casted a dim light through my curtains illuminating the room meaning I didn’t have to worry about complete darkness. As I lay in bed, all I could think about was Jake. My best friend. But now I wasn’t sure if that’s all I wanted him to be. Oh My God. What has this boy done to me?


As I walked out of the room, I couldn’t erase the grin that had been on my face for the past ten minutes. I slid down against the wall adjacent to her bedroom and just stared ahead, the only thing on my mind was her. Looking into her eyes tonight, I learned that that is where I found myself. Like she had all the answers and just being with her and looking at her made all the puzzle pieces of my life fit perfectly. She wasperfect, and I can’t believe she didn’t even see it. I let out a sigh, leaning my head back against the wall. It was all so crazy. Just a few hours ago, Lucy was just considered my best friend. And now, here I sit staring at her bedroom door, knowing that that girl just on the other side of it is now my life.

Jake's bracelet:

And it's engraved at the latch :)

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