Taken by the brothers 3

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He couldn't be back, could he? I thought he stopped bugging me and now after 2 years he is back?


I hurry into my apartment and open the letter so fast that it almost got ripped.

Dear Anastasia,

You are still beautiful as ever. I've missed you.

Someday we will be together and your brothers can't bother us like they did 2 years ago.

But not yet.

Don't tell your brothers that I've send you this letter or else bad things will start happening to the people that you love and you wouldn't want that, do you?

I have my men watching you, don't be worried they won't be watching you in your apartment because, you are mine.

Don't forget that.

Goodbye my Tesoro mio

I go into my closet that's in my room where I put my shoebox in where all the letters are inside from him. I put it back on the top shelf where probably no one will look for.

How can he be back so suddenly? Who is he even?

I take my oversized t shirt from my closet and changed into that. Take my make up off and brush my teeth. I'm not so hungry anymore after I got that letter.

I get inside my bed and stare at the ceiling.

I can't believe he is back. How does he even know where I live?

2 years ago, after the cocktail party of my parents I started to receive weird letters. It was love letters. How I looked so beautiful or other weird things. I was in sophomore year and no guy wanted to date me. They just ignored me or didn't even want to look at my way. I started to get insecure and I think the weird man started noticing that too because he admitted in one of his letters that it's his doing and no one could touch me. I never could write him letters back because of course I didn't know his address.

After a while it started to get bad and I realized that I was getting stalked. I needed to tell my family about this. And after I did it my mom couldn't stop crying, my brothers and father where busy tracking him and when they almost got him, he sends me his last letter that he will leave me alone for now. I was so relieved but also scared that he will do it again.

And I was right. He did come back and I so hoped that it wasn't this soon. I don't know if I should tell my brothers about it because I don't want them to get worried about me and I also don't want my bosses to know about my stalker.

I shouldn't bother anyone this time like I did last time. They all got really upset about it. This time I will get it solved. It's my problem anyways so I shouldn't bother anyone and keep it all to myself. After that I fell asleep.

I woke up around 6:30 am and got ready for work. First I took a fresh shower so I wouldn't smell thru out the day. After that I did my hair in a low bun and pulled my bangs out so I could get that messy hair but still stylish. I then put on some body lotion that smelled like candy. I always have loved candy and I also love it to smell like one. Put on my baby pink lace bra and my panties. After that I went into my walk-in closet got my grey tight skirt that was just above my knees and then a black satin work blouse on with my black teddy high heels on. Today I wasn't in the mood for make up so I only did some nude lip gloss on and mascara.

Then I went into the kitchen to make myself a chicken sandwich and a chicken salad. I put them in my handbag got my keys of the counter and grab my coat before I went out of my apartment.

Taken By The Brothers  (Menagé) UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now