Taken by the brothers Chapter 21

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Last time I updated was in february. I could have never imagined that the world would be like this in april. 

I hope everyone is okay and taking care of themselves! Please stay inside as much as you can! 

Maybe during this lockdown I could finish this book? I still have a lot of deadlines tho but I really want to finish this book! 

Does anyone have any planning tips for me? 

Also thank you for reading my book. I am so gratefull to have such nice readers! 

Sincerely yours, 

Anastasia P.O.V.: 

I guess we needed to talk. 

''Okay, what do you want to talk about?'' I was playing with my fingers trying to distract myself. 

''Last night, you went out clubbing. You know how dangerous it can be but you still went'' Caleb said with an accusing tone. It slowly ticked me off like I did something wrong

''Who said I couldn't go? I can do whatever I want whenever I want'' I looked at him with challenging eyes. He slowly glared at me and I saw the vein in his neck popping up showing that he got annoyed. 

Carter sighed out loud interfering in our conversation. 

''Babygirl, he is right. It is dangerous to go to a club like that. And if your brothers found out you went to a club they would be furious.'' He made me look at him and took a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

''Yeah so? They do whatever they want why can't I do that?'' It annoyed me that my brothers could always do whatever they wanted but if it came to me it always a hard no. He pinched the bridge of his nose when he gets annoyed. Small things that I noticed over these years. 

''It's just dangerous to go to places like that. Next time just don't go and stay at home and watch a movie.'' Caleb said with a harsh tone. I let out a breath of annoyance. 

''Who are you? You are nothing more then a family friend and my brothers best friends.'' I stood up and got my purse with me. 

''I'm done with this conversation. I wanna go home now.'' I looked at the both of them with a face that said I was done with this. It pissed them both of like they had the right to tell me what to do. 

Caleb wanted to open his mouth but Carter cut him off. 

''Okay we will take you home'' Carter walked to the door and got his keys. I walked behind him and I felt that Caleb was behind me. It was awkwardly silent in the elevator and we didn't talk either till we reached the car. 

When we reached the car Caleb opened the door for me making me sit next to Carter. I didn't look at him but did say a small thank you. We silently drove to my apartment without saying anything to each other. It was a 20 minute drive so it took a while with traffic and all. 

Reaching my apartment they parked their car and made a move to get out. ''Uhm what are you doing? I can walk by myself to my apartment.'' I told them with a raised eyebrow. 

''We are just going to walk you to your apartment because you are our responsibility till you are at home'' Carter said and just walked out shutting the door. Caleb already opened my door waiting for me to get out. 

I couldn't say anything to that so I just get out of the car and walked with them to my apartment. I walked by the receptionist and greeted her. She was curious as to why the brothers where walking with me but she didn't say anything. 

When we reached my apartment I opened the door and when I did I saw 2 pair of dress shoes. Caleb saw it too and he immediatly pulled me behind him to shield me for whoever was in my apartment. Carter and Caleb where on high alert. I was scared that maybe it was him

''Stay here we will check it out'' Caleb said and gave me a kiss on my forehead unexpected. I didn't expect him to give me a kiss so I just blushed instead. Carter and Caleb walked in. Seconds later I could hear some curse words and Carter walking back to me with an annoyed look. 

''It's your brothers come in'' and he took my hand making me walk to the living room. Jake and Josh where sitting on the couch with scotch in their hands looking really mad. 

Carter made me sit next to Caleb and he sat on the only seat avalaible. 

''Uhm Hi'' I said sheepishly. Josh stood up and started pacing around while Jake glared at me and then the ground. I leaned back on the couch hiding myself behind Caleb. 

''I can't fucking believe you went to a fucking club!'' Josh yelled at me. 

''How many times did we tell you not to go to places where there could be drugs or alcohol involved?'' Jake said in a calmer tone but I knew he was fuming. 

''Who told you?'' I asked while looking at the ground with a small voice. I didn't like it when my brothers got mad at me. 

''Are you seriously asking me who fucking told me?'' He said with an amazed voice. 

''It's what everyone is talking about!'' Jake downed his glass of scotch and poured some more into his glass. 

''What did you fucking expect? That it wouldn't be talked about? You are fucking the daughter of the Henderson Holding! Of course they will fucking talk about it!'' I felt my eyes water to his yelling. I didn't like it when someone yelled at me. 

''Josh don't yell at her'' Caleb said while glaring to Josh. 

Josh just glared back at him. 

''Why are you so mad at me?'' I whimpered making myself smaller. 

''Because you could be dangerously hurt! You could have been fucking raped!'' Josh yelled at me. It still hurt my feelings. 

I stood up fed up with his yelling at me. 

''Don't tell me what to do! You always go clubbing and fuck around with all these girls! Why is it bad that I do it? Are you scared that I will turn into one of these girls?'' I yelled into his face. He started turning red and threw away the glass of scotch. Caleb and Carter stood up ready to fight. 

''You are packing your fucking shit and you are moving into our house!'' He said like he was my dad. 

''No! I am old enough to take care of myself! You aren't my dad!'' He is insane!

''So you aren't going to pack your bags?''

I nodded a no. 

''Okay fucking I will do it'' and he walked into my room and got my suitcases filling it with everything he saw. I tried to hold him back but he pushed me away to the ground. I finally broke down and started to cry. Carter picked me up and Caleb got mad. 

''If she fucking says no then it's a fucking no Josh. Now sober the fuck up before I fucking punch you sober.'' He pushed Josh away from my stuff. 

''Shut the fuck up Caleb'' he spat into his face and before I knew it they started fighting. I heard Jake and Carter cursing and they tried to get them off and after a time it worked. Both their faces where bleeding. I was so sick of their shits. 

''Enough!'' I yelled and they looked at me. 

''Get the fuck out off my house all of you! Or I will call the cops on you!'' Jake tried to reason with me but I didn't give them any chance. 

''Get. Out.'' Tears where streaming over my face and I was shaking from anger and pain. 

They looked at each other and got out of the room. I heard the door closing and I broke down. 

Why are they so mean to me? 

Taken By The Brothers  (Menagé) UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now