Chapter 26

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Well hello :) It has been a long time ago that I was writing. Last time when I was writing I had covid. But I am definitly doing better. We are still in a lockdown here, sadly. 

Anyways. Do you believe in soulmates/twinflames? 

And if you do, did you meet yours? And are you still with them? How does it feel? 

I met my soulmate in my dreams. It's the same guy that broke my heart. I still love him a little bit. But it's okay. Some people aren't just meant for you. 

Besides that, I am busy graduating college. Wish me luck! 

I hope you are all doing fine and stay healthy. 

Take care and enjoy this chapter!

 Anastasia P.O.V. 

''Who is he?'' he said looking at me frustrated. I

I looked at him confused because I just told him who Luc was.

''Who. Is. The. Father. Of. Your. Child?'' he said with so much anger. I never expected Caleb to be full of anger like this. If it was possible there would be smoke coming out of his nose and ears like a bull.

But wait, what?

He think's that baby is mine?

I looked at him with wide eyes, suprised he thinks that the baby is mine. 

I suddenly started laughing so hard. I was holding my stomach from laughing because it hurt so much. 

When I looked at Caleb he looked slightly amused in comparison with Carter. 

Carter looked angry. 

I stopped laughing after a while and wiped my tears away from laughing. 

''Carter, how do you think I can have a baby and leave him here and just take care of him again after being without my baby for months?'' I said walking towards the dining table. 

He didn't say anything and he looked like he was thinking. 

''Who is the baby then?'' Carter walked and sat next to me while I was standing next to the table. 

I looked into his eyes, brown eyes. He was too close for my own comfort, I decided to lean against the counter of the kitchen. 

I sighed out loud before saying anything. Do they need to know everything? 

I looked at them, they where patiently waiting for me to give them an answer. 

''You remember Dahlia, my bestfriend from school?'' 

They both nodded. 

''Well that's her little brother. She is the one taking care of him. She works a lot but didn't had a baby sitter a while back. So I decided to take care of Luc while she is gone. He is almost 15 months old but a little behind with growing as you can see.'' they both looked down with embarrassment. 

We didn't say anything for a while before I broke the silence. 

I crossed my arms and asked them:'' So why did you come into my house?'' 

Carter didn't say anything. ''We just wanted to see you'' Caleb said looking into my eyes. 

I looked away. I felt my heart aching. 

''Okay, you can leave now'' I said while walking out of the kitchen turning my back on them. I needed to check on Luc. Before I could walk in to the kitchen I heard the door bell ring. 

That couldn't be Dahlia right? I walked to the door unknowing that Carter and Caleb where  behind me. 

I opened the door and indeed it was Dahlia. 

She looked at me smiling untill she looked behind me. 

''Uhm hi'' she waved. 

I looked behind me and jumped when I saw them looking at her. 

''Hey'' Carter said and Caleb just nodded. I stepped aside so that she could walk inside the house. She still stays at her own house until she is moving in with me. 

She started walking in to the living room, seeing Luc still taking his nap. 

I was walking behind her. 

''How was Luc today?'' she started packing his stuff. 

''Well he was really sweet today, he took most of the day a nap and nothing else.'' I said crossing my arms while sitting down. I felt the gaze of the brothers following me. 

''How was your day at work?'' I asked her. She hates being a waitress. But one more week left and we will leave. 

''As usual.'' she said while she wanted to pick him up. Caleb beat her to it. ''May I?'' he said and picked him up while walking out to her car. I looked oddly confused, yet I felt this deep warm feeling from the inside. 

We all didn't say anything and walked out after Caleb. I didn't know he had a soft spot for kids. 

We saw Caleb outside putting Luc in his kids seat buckling him up. 

Dahlia walked to the car and said a small thank you. I heard him mumble no problem while closing the door. Dahlia turned around and waved a small goodbye to me. She drove out of our drive way and Caleb started walking towards me. 

Carter was standing way too close which made me feel a little warm. 

Caleb stood in front of me now at the doorstep. 

''We actually came for your family to give you this invitation. As you may know, it's my mom's birthday this week on saturday. And she wants the formally invite your family. We expect you to be there. '' He said giving me a beige envelope. I looked into his eyes. 

''Yeah, I know there is a party.'' I said taking the card from his hands. Before I could take it he put his hand on my waist and pulled me against his chest. Our chests where touching and our noses where really close. It looked like we where kissing almost. I felt Carter coming way closer from behind. I felt his hand on my hip. His nose was running up and down on my neck. I didn't dare to say anything. 

I felt heat pooling down there. I never felt these type of emotions before. Nor was I this close to a man before. 

''Anastasia, we missed you'' he said looking into my eyes. I didn't know who to focus on. I felt my nipples harden against my lace bra. 

I felt Carters warm breath against my throat. Teasing me, making me want more. 

I looked at him with wide eyes, breathless. I couldn't think straight. 

I felt Carters hands going a little bit up which made me moan a little. 

They both stilled and stopped moving. I couldn't see Carter but I could see Caleb. His eyes darkened and I felt his grip tighten. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against mine. He let out a breathe. 

''Bambi.. you are killing us'' he said in a mere wishper. I was speechless. How could I moan out loud like that just by touching?!

I felt them both distance themselves from me, which made me feel empty. 

''We need to go. Mom is waiting for us to help her.'' Carter said standing in front of me. I felt my cheeks redden and didn't even bother looking at them. 

I felt two kisses on my head. ''Take care, we will see you soon.'' they both said and walked away. 

I put my hands against my cheeks so they couldn't see that I was blushing. 

Oh god, this is so embarrassing. 

Taken By The Brothers  (Menagé) UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now