Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“I want to see Midnight Beauty!” Hazel exclaimed. Todd rolled his eyes at her.

“Sometimes you act like you’re younger than Noah,” he replied, giving her a small laugh. Noah too laughed at her. Todd had saddled up Bunny and was walking in front for Hazel and Noah with Bunny at his side.

“Silly girl,” Noah said. Hazel poked her tongue out at Todd’s back and Noah giggled quietly. Hazel gave him a cheeky grin and put a finger to her mouth, signalling him to laugh quietly. This only made Noah laugh even louder. Todd let out an audible sigh and shook his head.

“Whatever you two are doing, stop it.” It was the last straw for Noah; he broke into a fit of giggles and was laughing uncontrollably. Todd grinned as Noah cracked up laughing, he was so glad he had convinced everyone to let Hazel stay. She got along with Noah and she was kind and considerate.

Todd noticed a group of people gathered around the training ring, he mentally groaned. Hazel didn’t need people watching her nor did he need anyone watching him. They would only distract her and possible want to come trail riding. Something inside of Todd didn’t want anyone else to come with them on their ride, he told himself it was because he knew that there wasn’t enough food for everyone.

Todd glanced back at Noah and Hazel who were chatting to each other, Hazel carrying the picnic basket. He smiled to himself; Noah had really found a liking towards Hazel. Noah always got along with everyone however he couldn’t say the same about himself.

“Hey Todd, Noah!” Mark called out. Great, now he had to talk to them. Putting on a fake smile he waved back.

“Hey!” he replied awkwardly, stuffing his hand back into his pocket. Todd found it hard to make friends and talk to people. He spent most of his time with Noah, his family and the animals, it was a wonder that we got along with Hazel so much, but then again, she was someone anyone could get along with.

“Guys this is Hazel, Hazel this is Mark, Cassie, Violet and Sam. They work on the farm in exchange for food, shelter and whatever else they need,” he explained, hoping to get the introductions over and done with.

“Hi!” Hazel said in a friendly tone. She gazed at the group in front of her, they seemed somehow different to other people she had met. Suddenly a thought struck her, if they all needed places to stay they must all be orphans or running away like her. Hazel beamed, she really felt like she belonged at the farm.    

“Hey Noah, how are you?” one of them asked. Noah ran up to her.

“Awe, how did you see me?” It was then that Hazel realized that Noah was hiding.

“Well you are a good hider, I didn’t see you, but I knew Todd would never go anywhere without you!” Noah beamed at the complement.

“Well umm, we have to get going. See you guys later,” Todd said without even turning around. There was a chorus of byes while they walked off. Hazel noticed that Todd looked uncomfortable. 

“What’s up, I thought we were practising there?” Hazel asked confused. Todd sighed. He felt he could tell Hazel anything and he did.

“We were going to, but seeing as their there we can go somewhere else,” seeing the look on Hazel’s face he continued. “It’s not that I don’t like them or anything, it’s just… I don’t really get along well with many people and I find it hard to make friends with anyone so I prefer to stay away from them.” Hazel was surprised that he had told her that, after all she had only known him for a week. But she was confused as to why Todd thought he didn’t get along with others when he seemed fine with talking to her.

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